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En Crimée

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Message  Александр Mer 30 Mar - 9:52

Je l'avais loupé: Embarassed

Déclaration de Federica Mogherini au nom de l’UE sur la Crimée

par Federica Mogherini

Deux ans après l’annexion illégale de la République autonome de Crimée et de la ville de Sébastopol par la Fédération de Russie, l’Union européenne demeure fermement attachée à la souveraineté et à l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine.

L’Union européenne réaffirme qu’elle ne reconnaît pas cette violation du droit international et continue à la condamner. Celle-ci constitue toujours une menace directe pour la sécurité internationale et a de graves répercussions sur l’ordre juridique international, qui protège l’unité et la souveraineté de tous les États.

L’Union européenne demeure fermement déterminée à mettre intégralement en oeuvre sa politique de non-reconnaissance, y compris au moyen de mesures restrictives. Elle demande une fois encore aux États membres des Nations unies d’envisager des mesures de non-reconnaissance similaires, conformément à la résolution 68/262 de l’Assemblée générale.

L’Union se déclare une nouvelle fois vivement préoccupée par le renforcement du dispositif militaire et la détérioration de la situation des droits de l’Homme dans la péninsule de Crimée, notamment par l’impossibilité d’exercer la liberté d’expression, la liberté de réunion pacifique, la liberté de religion et de conviction et par les persécutions que subissent les personnes appartenant à des minorités, en particulier les Tatars de Crimée. Le dépôt d’une demande visant à interdire les activités de la Mejlis, un organe autonome des Tatars de Crimée, en tant qu’organisation extrémiste, constitue un développement particulièrement préoccupant. L’Union appelle à respecter pleinement les normes internationales en matière de droits de l’Homme et les autres obligations découlant du droit international. Toutes les affaires de violations des droits de l’Homme actuellement en cours, telles que les disparitions forcées, les actes de torture et les meurtres, devraient faire l’objet d’enquêtes approfondies.

Oleg Sentsov et Aleksandr Koltchenko, détenus et condamnés en violation du droit international, devraient être libérés immédiatement et leur retour en Ukraine être assuré en toute sécurité. Il est toujours primordial que les acteurs internationaux des droits de l’Homme puissent accéder librement et sans restriction à l’ensemble du territoire ukrainien, y compris la Crimée et Sébastopol.
Federica Mogherini

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mer 30 Mar - 10:59

La Russie a usé de provocations pour utiliser «la question juive » lors de l’annexion de la Crimée afin d’obtenir le soutien d’Israël

Kiev, le 29 mars 2016 – Depuis le début de la guerre hybride contre l’Ukraine, la Russie a voulu obtenir le soutien d’Israël et de la communauté juive mondiale, elle a donc usé de provocations. «La Russie a toujours utilisé les mythes sur les fascistes ukrainiens qui sont arrivés au pouvoir à Kiev. Donc, Moscou a espéré qu’Israël soutiendrait la Russie. La nuit du 28 février 2014, la synagogue de Simferopol a été profanée par une croix gammée et une écriture « Mort aux juifs ». Il est très intéressant à noter que cela n’est jamais arrivé en 23 années d’Indépendance de l’Ukraine. La nuit-même ou les «hommes verts » russes ont débarqué, cela s’est produit. Voilà une bien étrange coïncidence », a déclaré Shimon Briman, rédacteur israélien du Forum Daily, journal américain lors d’une conférence de presse à l’Ukraine Crisis Média Center.

Shimon Briman a raconté que cette expérience vient des années 1950-1960, car un département spécial du Comité de Sécurité d’État soviétique organisait des profanations de synagogues en Allemagne pour que les médias parlent d’antisémitisme et du néonazisme en Allemagne. «C’est leur instrument habituel : organiser une provocation, profaner une synagogue, les Juifs commenceront tout de suite le battage médiatique et tout cela sera la faute du gouvernement. La Russie a voulu faire cette provocation, car la communauté juive est très influente aux États-Unis, dans les médias comme la politique américaine».

Vladimir Poutine souligne tout le temps qu’il y a «un million et demi de personnes russophones qui vivent en Israël»  et essaie d’attirer Israël du côté russe. Cependant, Israël a pris une position bien claire. «Le gouvernement israélien a déclaré haut et fort qu’il n’acceptait pas l’annexion de la Crimée et soutient l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine. Mais il ne souhaite pas non plus se laisser entraîner dans ce conflit et essaie de rester bons termes avec l’Ukraine et la Russie».

Selon Shimon Briman, Israël maintient le blocus économique de la Crimée, mais, développe également parallèlement un programme pour mettre en œuvre des technologies remises en état et l’irrigation dans les régions du sud de l’Ukraine, en particulier dans les régions de Kherson, Mykolaïv et Zaporijia. «Cela est directement lié avec l’annexion de la Crimée. Car si l’agriculture fleurit au sud de l’Ukraine et que cela devient un désert en Crimée, alors les habitants de la péninsule verront rapidement la différence. Donc, même si la position officielle d’Israël reste neutre, dans les faits, le pays soutient particulièrement l’Ukraine et son développement».

Bref, une politique à deux étages . . . Embarassed

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Caduce62 Dim 3 Avr - 18:52

Caduce62 a écrit:A monument to an unmarked Russian soldier occupying Crimea was unveiled in Simferopol.Evil or Very Mad

En Crimée - Page 22 10583710

Social network users are trying to figure out what he is doing to the cat. Laughing

En Crimée - Page 22 10967510

Russian fuck like cats affraid
Bonne nouvelle : le chat a réussi à s'enfuir  Laughing

Messages : 15059
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Age : 61
Localisation : chez les Ch'tis

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En Crimée - Page 22 Empty Re: En Crimée

Message  Александр Lun 11 Avr - 15:59

Crimean Tatars are under totalitarian and fascist regime – Crimean Tatar leader

Ukrainian MP Mustafa Dzhemilev addresses Lithuanian parliament 

International Congress of the Crimean Tatars is taking place in the parliament of Lithuania on April 11. Speaking at the event, Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev said his nation found itself "under the totalitarian and fascist regime," after their homeland was invaded and annexed by Russia in 2014.

"Crimean Tatar people are in a difficult situation. The people, who for decades fought for democracy and return to their homeland, are once again under the totalitarian and fascist regime, and many are forced to leave their homeland "- Dzhemilev said.

"We have reliance in the common sense of the international community. It is not only us who are under threat – if we appease the aggressor, the whole world may suffer", - the leader of the Crimean Tatars said from the podium.

Lithuanian FM Linas Linkevičius in his turn, noted that Crimea issue and the position of the Crimean Tatars is a litmus test for the whole international community.

"We can see the suffering, caused to other peoples by the current events in Ukraine. And if long ago they attacked with bombs, now the attack is made through propaganda, sending arrows into the hearts of people," Linkevicius said.

"By advancing this issue on the international stage, we show our commitment to the international values. We raise your question not only to help you and make you like us. Your destiny is a litmus test of how the world reacts to these problems. So far the results of this test are not so good, but we will continue working," Lithuania's top diplomat added.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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En Crimée - Page 22 Empty Re: En Crimée

Message  Caduce62 Mar 12 Avr - 19:31

Caduce62 a écrit:A monument to an unmarked Russian soldier occupying Crimea was unveiled in Simferopol.Evil or Very Mad

Social network users are trying to figure out what he is doing to the cat. Laughing

En Crimée - Page 22 10967510

Russian fuck like cats affraid
En Crimée - Page 22 12931010 La vengeance du chat LaughingLaughing

Messages : 15059
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2010
Age : 61
Localisation : chez les Ch'tis

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En Crimée - Page 22 Empty Re: En Crimée

Message  Krispoluk Mar 12 Avr - 19:39

J'aurais bien vu le chat avec un bandana noir et rouge ou à la rigueur, bleu et jaune... lol!

Messages : 9785
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2014
Localisation : Chez les Ch'tis

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En Crimée - Page 22 Empty Re: En Crimée

Message  Александр Jeu 14 Avr - 9:16

Ils y vont "en force":

Poklonska Has Stopped Activities Of Mejlis In Crimea

Today, the so-called prosecutor of the occupied Crimea Natalia Poklonska has adopted a decision to stop the activities of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people. 
Dzhemil Temishev, the lawyer representing the Mejlis, has attached the document in his post on Facebook.

In her decision, Poklonska refers to the law “On counteracting extremist activities”.

The decision will remain in force until the so-called Supreme Courte of the Crimea delivers its verdict in the case against the Mejlis.

En Crimée - Page 22 Postanovapostanova
Previously, Poklonska has launched a case against the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people as it is allegedly an extremist organization. In the course of the last hearing in this case, the judge has postponed consideration until April 15.

Du coup:

Crimean Tatar leader calls for extraordinary UN Security Council meeting as Mejlis banned

En Crimée - Page 22 385394933
Refat Chubarov at the opening of the exhibition in the museum, Kyiv, June 5, 2015 (UNIAN Photo)

Chubarov says Poroshenko shall immediately apply to the UN concerning threat of direct reprisals by Russia against the indigenous people of Crimea     

Refat Chubarov, leader of the representative body of the Crimean Tatar people, the Mejlis, believes Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has to call for an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council and the EU's executive arm, to forestall the threat of direct reprisals by Russia against the indigenous people of Crimea.

Read also Russian-appointed 'Prosecutor' Poklonskaya suspends Crimean Tatar Mejlis

"I presume that the President shall immediately apply to the UN Secretary-General, as well as the leaders of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe demanding urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, as well as of the executive bodies of the European Union and the Council of Europe aimed at forestalling the threat of direct reprisals coming from Russia, which has occupied the peninsula, against the indigenous people of Crimea," Chubarov wrote on Facebook.

According to Chubarov, the decision taken on the "suspension of activities" of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people by a "prosecutor" of the occupied peninsula, Natalia Poklonskaya, is initially void, but it will still be executed by the punitive organs of the Russian Federation, which have occupied Crimea.

Chubarov is convinced that this decision on suspending the activities of Mejlis was orchestrated from the Kremlin for the purpose of escalating relations with the international community.

Read also Crimean Tatars are under totalitarian and fascist regime – Crimean Tatar leader
According to him, this decision is, in fact, Vladimir Putin's boorish response to the calls from the overwhelming majority of deputies of the European Parliament, who spoke in defense of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people and the demands to Russia to stop repressions against the Mejlis.

As UNIAN reported earlier, "the prosecutor" of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya on Wednesday, April 13, decided to "suspend" the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in the occupied peninsula. A copy of the decision was handed to representatives of the Mejlis.

7 myths driving Russia’s assault against the Crimean Tatars

En Crimée - Page 22 Tatars
Russia's assault on Crimean Tatars culminated in the ban on their representative organ, the Mejlis 

Every hybrid assault starts with propaganda.

Russia continues its assault on the Crimean Tatars. On Wednesday, 13 April 2016, the so-called “prosecutor” of Crimea Nataliya Poklonskaya suspended the activities of Mejlis, the representative body of the indigenous people. According to Poklonskaya, these actions were taken “in order to prevent violations of the federal laws.” Earlier she demanded to recognize the Mejlis as an extremist organization, the case is under consideration now. Now, the representatives of the body are forbidden to hold mass public events, to use state and municipal media, use bank accounts and conduct any type of work. So what is the real reason for such actions?

During the last two years representatives of the Crimean Tatars have undertaken the most effective actions against the regime of occupation in their native Crimean peninsula. This vociferous opposition has a visible reflection on the actions of the Russian side.

The occupation “authorities” suppress the opposition by political prosecution and the creation of myths.

Read also: Crushing dissent. Timeline of repressions against Crimean Tatars in occupied Crimea

Together with the court ruling on the prohibition of the Mejlis, there is also another ongoing court case called “The Case of February 26.” On February 26, 2014 a demonstration for Ukraine’s territorial integrity took place in Simferopol. After the occupation, the so-called “Crimean authorities” started a criminal procedure against the participant in this demonstration for organizing civil unrest. It is noteworthy that only Crimean Tatars are accused in the case. Ahtem Chiygoz, Ali Asanov and Mustafa Degermendzhi remain in custody.

One of the Russian strategies for squashing dissent on the peninsula is to depict Crimean Tatars as extremists and to split the Crimean population.

En Crimée - Page 22 Mbe9o4WxITM8yDKCOUGuu_9FLmwIeiOQs3aMf3y2wi4j-TkBbBFTrkG873pztEtrW5NKIsIudMOlU11Y8-C8EyxzbJUrsNG2TUYmZWwL58KviWmKtmS-blHe2gm7lV5QarvQ80bJ
Tamila Tasheva, Crimea SOS founder

In this regard another case against the indigenous people of Crimea has appeared. Activists call it the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir. In the summer of 2015, four young people were detained and accused of extremists activity and membership in the organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, which was forbidden in Russia in 2003. Tamila Tasheva, a Crimean Tatar and one of the founders of the NGO Crimea SOS, explains the details of the case:
“There is no  fixed membership in Hizb ut-Tahrir. It is not an organization, it is the Islamic Renaissance Party. It is forbidden in some countries, mainly in post-Soviet countries with a dictatorial regime. However, in Crimea, Islam has never been radical, in principle, this party Hizb ut-Tahrir is not radical. They tell about the Islamic Caliphate through peaceful preaching. However, there was not many supporters of the party in Crimea. In general, no more than one percent of Crimean Tatars are orthodox Muslims. All the rest are secular Muslims. And now through this case of Hizb ut-Tahrir Crimean Tatars are being depicted as extremists. On February 11th, a series of home searches and arrests of faithful Muslims took place. Not all of them have any relation to Hizb ut-Tahrir, perhaps some of them, but not all. It should be noted that Hizb ut-Tahrir leaders knew that the party was banned in Russia at the beginning of the occupation and hurriedly left Crimea, so there are no (Hizb ut-Tahrir) leaders in Crimea now. Not long ago, one of the representatives of the “occupational authorities” said that indeed there is no extensive organization of this party on the territory of Crimea, however, the persecutions are still ongoing.”
According to Tamila, Russian myths about Crimean Tatars are actively broadcasted by propaganda and already gaining influence. Crimean Tatars are experiencing a rising hostility towards them from other people living in Crimea. Check out the most common myths on the indigenous people of Crimea to avoid falling into the trap of propaganda.

Myth 1. The deportation of the Crimean Tatars was a punishment for mass desertion and collaborationism during WWII

En Crimée - Page 22 MqvLALaN1xnmEaHe0HU1PhEw-W7WKqkfnD_wmHho1AvRCVx4rArXevZnoKCrBwBhwuxx1-Ml-lm9pcAKbO0yP0iF3PRCw3madYWqXjuAUzYbgtlqJuA7vUPnClyAm5M5iqWRnnBc
Crimean Tatar deportation, 1944
Reality: In May 1944 the Soviet authorities accused the Crimean Tatar people of mass desertion at the beginning of World War II and of mass collaborationism during the German occupation of the peninsula. Similar charges were later brought against other groups in Crimea as well.
The Soviet propaganda machine created and perpetuated the myth that there had been “20,000 deserters” among Crimean Tatar soldiers of the Red Army. Actually, 23,000 Crimean Tatars were mobilized to fight for the Red Army during the war and 9,000 of them were demobilized in 1946, so there could not possibly have been so many deserters. Recruits of all national backgrounds fled from Crimea in 1941 when the 51st Army was defeated there, not only Crimean Tatars. Five Crimean Tatars received the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union” for their military services during the war, twice in the case of pilot Amet-Khan Sultan.
En Crimée - Page 22 NXFlFM9EkWT8YkFC__8RO1sBIW_oh_Rael4Q6LKD1jMUb1zW8tB__n9R4WxNtTPTRWqrZqqJ88R7Ninyy3auEANBhG7RaaBsUlr1eQ37kHk4McCvcB16shfxIP5cUNRzqNN8x_sX
Amet-Khan Sultan, Crimean Tatar pilot who received  the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union” twice
Soviet propaganda also emphasized the Crimean Tatars’ supposed “all-encompassing cooperation with the enemy.” It was alleged that “nearly every adult” collaborated with the Germans. Research has revealed that the maximum number of collaborators among the Crimean Tatars did not exceeded 15,000 to 16,000 people, or 6.5-7% of the total population. This is certainly a lot, but this number was exceeded by the number of Crimean Tatars who served in the Red Army during the war. Moreover, collaboration with the Germans in one form or another was common among many different peoples who lived in occupied territories during the war. Therefore, it is ridiculous to speak of the Crimean Tatars as a singular “traitor nation.”

Despite the falsehood of both charges, the first wave of the Crimean Tatar deportation began on May 18th, 1944. Within two days more than 194,000 Crimean Tatars were sent to a variety of special settlements, and 6,000 others were sent to the Gulag. The second wave of deportations began on June 27th, when 3,000 additional Crimean Tatars and more than 40,000 Bulgarians, Armenians, Greeks, Turks and Romani were also forcibly removed from the peninsula. Despite their military service, demobilized Crimean Tatar soldiers and officers were also sent to exile.

Many different nationalities in the Soviet Union were subjected to deportation, each time under a different pretext. For example, in February 1944 the Chechen and Ingush peoples were also deported from their native land. The Chechen-Ingush ASSR had not been under occupation during the war, so the official reason for their deportation was “terrorism.”

The Balkar people were also evicted from the Kabardino-Balkaria ASSR between the 8th and 9th of March, 1944. This territory fell under German occupation from August 1942 to January 1943, but the official reason for the Balkars’ deportation was not “collaborationism,” but rather “the failure to protect Mount Elbrus.”

Soviet authorities also deported the Meskhetian Turks from the territory of the Georgian SSR. It was impossible to accuse the local population of collaborationism, as this area was far from any frontline. This perhaps expains why a reason for their deportation was never given.

By the way, the Kurds and Hemshines were also deported from the border regions of the Georgian SSR on the basis of this same resolution.

Myth 2. The Crimean Tatars could have initiated an armed resistance during the Russian occupation of Crimea and beat the aggressors back

En Crimée - Page 22 3f8pzoPtgsQzL8F3ytAldT49zojw-YS1O7O8Ra1RbS9aPq_Mox57rd5qvZrohl_EcyBe635m6u07k_CFZfr1rVku8DLdlcvQF-QI4Xy_GtAHME6Jpptd6xiuHFT6_YZN3bWy-is9
Thousands Russian soldiers came to Crimea to “prepare” for the occupation
Reality: According to data presented by Boris Nemtsov in his report on Russia’s war in Ukraine, there were about 35,000 Russian soldiers in Crimea at the time of the annexation. While the Ukrainian census of 2001 indicated that there were 243,000 Crimean Tatars in Crimea, the number of Crimean Tatar men between the ages of 18 and 60 was only about 73,000.

So it came down to 35,000 trained soldiers against a population of 73,000 unarmed, peaceful men.

Myth 3. Almost every Crimean Tatar family owns a weapon

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Crimean Tatars took part in Orange Revolution of 2004 and Euromaidan protests of 2013-2014 to stand for democratic values
Reality: The Crimean Tatar national movement was founded from the beginning on the principle of non-violent resistance, and it was with this strategy that they ultimately won them the right to return to their homeland. Perhaps the most notorious act of violence inscribed in the history of this movement was self-inflicted: the self-immolation of Musa Mamut in the summer of 1978.

Furthermore, among Crimean Tatar political and social organizations in Crimea, there was never a single one that used firearms in the 23 years following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Myth 4. The Crimean Tatars are aggressive Muslims
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The Mosque of the Bakhchysarai palace in Crimea
Reality: In February 2014, Crimean Tatars allowed christians of Kyiv Patriarchate pray in mosques.

The Crimean Tatars are traditionally Sunni Muslims who follow the Hanafiyah school of Islamic law. It is widely believed among those who are unfamiliar with Crimean Tatar culture that they are comparable to Muslim groups in the North Caucasus in terms of their religious militancy. However, this is not true.

The vast majority of Crimean Tatars favor a Soviet model of behavior. Their culture is oriented more towards trade than militarism, and the degree of religiosity among most Crimean Tatars is comparable to that of average Ukrainians.

Myth 5. Even before the illegal annexation, there were plenty of ethnic conflicts involving Crimean Tatars

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Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars demonstrate unity during the Euromaidan events
Reality: In the 23 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of conflicts in Crimea that could be labeled “ethnic” in nature could be counted on one hand. The most high-profile conflict reported by journalists as “interethnic” were not actually struggles between Crimean Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians, but rather confrontation between Crimean Tatars and local authorities, typically concerning the struggle for access to land.

When one party in a given conflict can be singled out by his or her nationality, it is often difficult to resist labeling the conflict as ethnic in nature. Such an interpretations is beneficial to the authorities because it creates the impression that they are not party to the conflict.

Myth 6. Other Crimean Tatar public organizations stand in opposition or as an alternative to the Mejlis

En Crimée - Page 22 ModWlTSa5nrDa6kpdpux-eQKxRqtPkxAGZajz37PZp4nMTv38lJL8cLCZQZgv0rjYaUd5HZTlpXZKcbmHFGkuyKP_L_eIgCDzRCR9GlJtImvIrMfFZhaGjkVJfvVMuc-O7e01uGM
The Kurultay and Mejlis are representative bodies of Crimean Tatars. The former is elected by Crimean Tatar population
Reality: Such public organizations cannot act as opposition or alternative institutions. The Mejlis and the Kurultai are not “public organizations” and have never held this status.
These are the bodies of national self-government for Crimean Tatars.

More precisely, the Kurultai is the national parliament and the Mejlis is the national government. True, they are currently not incorporated into the framework of Ukrainian law, but they are nevertheless recognized by the Ukrainian Parliament and – most importantly – by the Crimean Tatar people themselves, who regulary elect Kurultai delegates and members of their local Mejlises.

Any attempts to put the Mejlis and any other type of Crimean Tatar public organization into the same category is unfounded.

Myth 7. 'Crimean Tatar' should be spelled in Russian with a hyphen (i.e., 'крымско-татарский')

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Crimean Tatars are indigenous people of Crimea, so the division between the words “tatars” and “crimean” is not possible
Reality: No, definitely not! In Russian it is spelled as a single word (i.e., «крымскотатарский»).

Under the current “Rules of Russian orthography and punctuation,” the word «крфмскотатарский» – “Crimean Tatar” – must be written together as a single word when used as an adjective. In Russian, hyphens are used to spell adjectives where the word “and” could be placed between the two words being combined to form a single adjective, However, “Crimean Tatar” is the only name for this national group, and it therefore can not be divided into “Crimean” and “Tatar”.

The myths were gathered in the Anthology of Modern Crimean Mythology which is a civic initiative of Internally Displaced Peoples from Crimea. The brochure is printed of the support of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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En Crimée - Page 22 Empty Re: En Crimée

Message  Krispoluk Jeu 14 Avr - 9:44

Caduce62 a écrit:
Caduce62 a écrit:A monument to an unmarked Russian soldier occupying Crimea was unveiled in Simferopol.Evil or Very Mad

Social network users are trying to figure out what he is doing to the cat. Laughing

En Crimée - Page 22 10967510

Russian fuck like cats affraid
En Crimée - Page 22 12931010 La vengeance du chat LaughingLaughing

Je cherchais la photo du chat de l'écusson, postée par le Doc... L'ai retrouvée lol!

En Crimée - Page 22 16542510

Messages : 9785
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2014
Localisation : Chez les Ch'tis

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Message  Александр Jeu 14 Avr - 10:33


Preuve que tout va bien en Russie:

Russie: la livraison du pont de Crimée retardée d’un an

Moscou recule d’un an la date de la livraison finale du pont qui reliera la Russie continentale à la Crimée. L’ouvrage long de 19 km à travers le détroit de Kertch devrait ainsi être terminé fin 2019.

Le pont supportera une autoroute et une double voie de chemin de fer. Le schéma initial a du être modifié pour prendre en compte le poids des trains. Un projet de près de trois milliards d’Euros financé intégralement par la Russie, lancé après l’annexion de l’ex-région d’Ukraine en 2014.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Jeu 14 Avr - 13:21

Les Tatars de Crimée sous pression

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Des Tatars de Crimée en 2014,en souvenir de la déportation massive vers l’Asie centrale en 1944 par Staline. Cette commémoration est désormais interdite. Photo Stringer. Reuters La minorité musulmane subit à nouveau les assauts des autorités russes, qui souhaitent interdire leur Assemblée.
Les Tatars de Crimée sont décidément dans le collimateur des autorités russes. La procureure générale de la péninsule, Natalia Poklonskaïa, a décidé de suspendre mercredi l’activité du Medjlis, l’Assemblée des Tatars, l’accusant de mener des «activités extrémistes» et d’œuvrer à la «déstabilisation».

Le Medjlis est «banni de tous les médias d’Etat et municipaux, il lui est interdit d’organiser des rassemblements, de faire usage de comptes bancaires et de mener toute activité» en attendant le verdict du tribunal quant à son interdiction définitive, réclamée par le Parquet. Poklonskaïa accuse des représentants du Medjlis d’être à l’origine des blocus énergétique et alimentaire de la Crimée, à l’automne dernier. Des militants tatars et ukrainiens avaient bloqué durant des semaines le passage des camions en provenance d’Ukraine, et fait sauter des lignes à haute tension, plongeant la péninsule dans l’obscurité et le froid. Selon le Parquet, les actions étaient coordonnées entre autres par le chef de l’organisation Renat Tchoubarov et le leader historique des Tatars de Crimée, Moustafa Djemilev, député du Parlement ukrainien, tous deux interdits d’entrée en Crimée depuis son annexion par la Russie.

Historiquement très méfiants vis à vis de Moscou —les Tatars ont subi une déportation massive vers l’Asie centrale en 1944 par Staline, qui les accusait d’avoir collaboré avec les nazis—, ces autochtones de Crimée représentant près de 13% de la population locale n’ont pas vu d’un bon œil la mainmise russe sur la péninsule, au printemps 2014. Près de 70% d’entre eux ont boycotté le référendum.

Certes, sur le papier, les nouvelles autorités russes ont rapidement pris des mesures pour acheter la loyauté de cette communauté musulmane : reconnaissance officielle de la langue tatare, réhabilitation des Tatars déportés, allocation de 10 milliards de roubles (134 millions d'euros) d’ici à 2020 pour l’amélioration de leur condition. Mais les relations entre les institutions tatares et le pouvoir ne sont jamais apaisées. Sous prétexte qu’elle entretenait un sentiment antirusse, la seule chaîne de télévision en langue tatare, ATR, a été rapidement fermée, l’enseignement en tatar drastiquement réduit, et le droit de se rassembler dans la capitale, Simferopol, y compris pour commémorer la déportation, suspendu. Pour ce qui est du Medjlis, qui a représenté les Tatars depuis 1991, en trouvant un terrain d’entente avec l’Ukraine, il a tout de suite été tenu en suspicion par la Russie.

Amnesty International dénonce dans un communiqué une décision visant à «étouffer toute dissidence» et «supprimer l’un des derniers droits d’une minorité que la Russie devrait protéger plutôt que persécuter». L’ONG rappelle que les Tatars avaient «payé le prix du coup de force de la Russie dans la région», avec au moins six de ses membres disparus et un retrouvé mort en 2014.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Jeu 14 Avr - 15:02

C'était la "ligne directe" du huilo.
En Crimée - Page 22 CgALw7ZWwAAfbC6

Hé oui, les temps changent . . .

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Krispoluk Jeu 14 Avr - 15:06

Александр a écrit:C'était la "ligne directe" du huilo.
En Crimée - Page 22 CgALw7ZWwAAfbC6

Hé oui, les temps changent . . .

Excellentissime Laughing Laughing Laughing ... Et tellement vrai ! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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Message  Александр Jeu 14 Avr - 15:40


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Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
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Message  Александр Ven 15 Avr - 8:59

European Council Urges RF To Provide International Institutions With Access To Occupied Crimea

The occupied Crimea should be open to the competent Council of Europe structures, as well as other international institutions dealing with human rights issues. 
This was stated in the report to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe by Ambassador Gérard Stoudmann on his human rights visit to Crimea.

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland expressed hope that this report may become a basis for further discussion devoted to the issue of human rights violations in the Crimea.

According to Stoudmann, the main overriding conclusion of this report is the need to re-open the Peninsula for the Council of Europe monitoring structures and other relevant international mechanisms, and to identify viable solutions, allowing for their effective functioning under the present circumstances..

Stoudmann emphaised that it is indeed neither normal, nor acceptable, that a population of 2.5 million people should be kept beyond the reach of the human rights mechanisms established to protect all Europeans.

Within the report, special attention is focused on the issue of Crimean Tatar people.

“Today, the perception of the delegation is that the cases of repression, as severe as they may be, seem more targeted against individual opponents, whether they are Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians or others, rather than reflecting a collective repression policy against the Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group.” the report states.

As previously reported, yesterday, on April 13, the so-called prosecutor of the occupied Crimea Natalia Poklonska adopted a decision to stop the activities of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people.

Voeux pieux . . . Embarassed

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  pyxous Mar 19 Avr - 11:22

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The Justice Ministry of the Russian Federation has banned the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, putting it on the list of “extremist organizations.”
This was posted on the Ministry’s website.

"April 18, 2016, the civil association ‘Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people’ was put on the list of civil and religious associations, whose activities are suspended due to their extremist activity. The civil association was put on the list on the basis of decision of the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea on suspension of activities of the civil association," reads the statement.

Le 18 avril 2016, l'association civile ' Mejlis des gens tatars Criméens ' a été mise la liste d'associations civiles et religieuses, dont les activités sont suspendues en raison de leur activité extrémiste. L'association civile a été mise la liste sur la base de la décision du procureur de la République de la Crimée sur la suspension des activités de l'association civile, "dit la déclaration.


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Message  Александр Mar 19 Avr - 11:30

Idem pour Крым. Реалии une des radios de Radio Svoboda.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mar 19 Avr - 12:21

De même que trois journalistes qui sont recherché:

Searches In Homes Of Three Journalists With ‘Active Civic Position’ Held In Crimea

In Russian-annexed Crimea, homes of three journalists were searched today, April 19. 
The lawyer Emil Kurbedinov reported this to Radio Liberty’s “Crimea. Realities” project.

According to him, after the searches, journalists were taken to the directorate of the Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) in Simferopol.

“The searches were conducted in the homes of three Crimean journalists and they were taken export to the directorate of the FSB. They are Leniara Abibulaieva, Ruslana Liumanova and Mykola Semena. It seems to me that Mykola Semena is being charged”, – said Kurbedinov.

“I am in the building of the FSB now waiting for someone to come and I am going to work”, – he added.

The lawyer also said that human rights defenders relate these searches and detention to the “active civic position concerning some issues”.

On the morning of April 19, Crimean “prosecutor” Natalia Poklonskaya declared criminal proceedings initiated against one of the Crimean journalists under the article of Russian legislation on “separatism” for his publication in the media. Poklonskaya did not mention the name of the journalist. At the same time, journalist Oleh Kriuchkov said the journalist Mykola Semena was meant.

It should be recalled that Crimean Tatars’ Resource Center recorded 68 violations of rights and freedoms in Russian-annexed Crimea in March.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mer 20 Avr - 10:10

'Freedom of speech under threat in Crimea' – OSCE

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A wall mural showing a map of the Crimean peninsula filled with Russia’s flag, in support of the Russian annexation, near an advertisement for VTB Bank OJSC in Moscow, March 28, 2014 (Getty Images)

OSCE condemns prosecutions of journalists on the occupied peninsula 

Free expression and freedom of the media remain under threat in Russia-occupied Crimea.

OSCE rep Dunja Mijatovic slammed the recent prosecution of the Radio Free Liberty/Radio Freedom journalist Nikolay Semena.

The relevant statement is published on the site of the organisation. "This recent detention only shows the urgent need to stop the arbitrary practice of silencing journalists in Crimea," Mijatović said.

Read also So-called Crimean prosecutor bans Mejlis

OSCE urges Russia to allow journalists on the occupied peninsula work freely. The organisation calls local authorities' actions towards them "intimidating".
Read also Russian authorities detain Crimean TV station cameraman

Mijatović adds after the detention of Semena, homes of several other journalists were searched by the police. Their work equipment was confiscated. 

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Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Thuramir Jeu 21 Avr - 22:15

Cette politique de répression de la liberté d'expression mènera la Russie droit dans le mur !  Twisted Evil

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Message  Matt Jeu 21 Avr - 22:46

Si ce n'était que ça . . .  Embarassed
A tout niveaux, la Russie se fait "racrapoter" et pas pour rien . . .

Відвідайте Україну.
"Driven to perfection" (A. Senna)
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Message  Александр Ven 22 Avr - 13:01

U.S. State Department calls on Russia to lift ban on Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar

The U.S. Department of State has called on the Russian authorities to reconsider the decision to ban the Crimean Tatar Mejlis.
”We call on the Russian Federation to reverse the Ministry of Justice`s recent decision to designate the Crimean Tatar Mejlis as an ”extremist” organization and the decision by de facto authorities in Crimea to suspend this democratic institution,” U.S. State Department spokesperson John Kirby said in a press statement on April 21.
According to Kirby, the Mejlis has long been a representative body for the traditionally under-represented and historically oppressed Crimean Tatar population. It has also served as an important independent voice in preserving their culture and protecting them from discrimination.
”Russian authorities have no basis or jurisdiction to assert Russian law over Tatar conduct in Ukraine. A ban on the Mejlis would prohibit it from convening, publishing its views in mass media, or holding public events, which contravenes basic democratic principles. This action is the latest in a series of abuses perpetrated by de facto authorities against those in Crimea who oppose the occupation, including Crimean Tatars and members of other ethnic and religious minorities in Crimea. Such abuses include arbitrary detentions, beatings, and police raids on their homes and places of worship,” he said.

”We again call on Russia to end its occupation of Crimea and return control over this piece of Ukrainian territory. Sanctions related to Crimea will remain in place as long as the occupation continues,” Kirby said.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Ven 22 Avr - 13:12

Il y a des trous?

Ah ben oui . . .

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Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
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Message  Caduce62 Ven 22 Avr - 15:28

Bah !! Ils ont voulu des "routes russes" Laughing
C'est à cause d'Obama dixit Putler LaughingLaughing
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Message  Александр Mar 26 Avr - 7:53

Portnikov calls for establishing pan-Crimean body for liberation of Russian-occupied Crimea

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A view of the Russian entry point into the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea occupied by Russia in March 2014 (Image: 

Ukrainian commentator Vitaly Portnikov says that Ukrainians must recognize that Crimea is–like the Donbas–a Russian-occupied territory and will be returned to Ukraine only when Russia no longer can afford its imperial project and that they should create an organization for the liberation of Crimea to assist in this process.

Chronology of the Russian annexation of Crimea

Pointing out that the primary goals of those living under occupation are to avoid being destroyed and to promote the end of foreign rule, Portnikov tells the Crimean Tatar QHA news agency that this organization must include but be broader than the Crimean Tatars.

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Vitaly Portnikov, Ukrainian political analyst and writer

Specifically, he says. “this organization would be a representative of the interests of those citizens of Crimea who, as a result of the actions of the Russian military and its allies and collaborationists on the territory of the autonomy, have been deprived of the chance to live in their native places and stripped of their civil rights.”

Such a body, Portnikov suggests, “could aspire to the status of an observer at the UN, and its leader must give the world from the tribune of the UN a clear assessment of the Russian occupation. But this organization cannot be exclusively an organization of the Crimean Tatar people. The Mejlis must be one of its members” but not the only one.

7 myths driving Russia’s assault against the Crimean Tatars

That reflects both the underlying demographic reality – the Crimean Tatars are and will remain a minority in Crimea and thus will not be able to win elections even in the future – and the fact that the Ukraine, to which Crimea will ultimately be returned, will be “an entirely different state, a democratic, European and civilized” one.

In that state, Portnikov continues, the Ukrainian authorities will “defend every citizen of Ukraine regardless of his ethnic origin, religion or language. And this approach will also be extended to Crimea. Therefore, the Crimean Tatars must recognize that Crimea is also just as inalienable a part of Ukraine as Sumsk or Kyiv oblasts.”

“All citizens of Ukraine living in Crimea will have equal rights, and the interests of the Crimean Tatars will have to be coordinated with the interests of every Crimean citizen. Thus we say that the autonomy, which will exist in Crimea, must have a national-ethnic component” but must not violate the rights of all others.

Crimean history. What you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask

According to Portnikov, “the overwhelming majority of the population” of Crimea consists of Slavs. In a democracy, the majority must have the right to choose the leaders of the state while the rights of minorities must be respected. The latter will require negotiation because “this is the rule of European life.”

Portnikov’s comments come after the Russian occupation has declared the Crimean Tatar Mejlis an extremist group and moved to ban it and after some Crimean Tatars have begun to talk about establishing a government in exile as the main way to put pressure on the Russian government to return Crimea.

The Ukrainian commentator says he is surprised it took the occupiers two years to take this step, because those who had been paying attention to Russia over the last 15 years could easily see that the Kremlin is doing everything it can to marginalize all ethnic organizations it does not completely control.

Why the Kremlin fears the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars

“Russia is absolutely indifferent to what is happening with the Crimean Tatars and what the view of the international community on their status happens to be,” Portnikov says. It will only care “when the economic situation in that country leads to its actual and irretrievable collapse, to the impoverishment of the population and possibly to the disintegration of state structures.”

Russia “will not be able to avoid this,” the commentator says, although some time will be required. For the present, Crimea and Ukraine need to work closely together to ensure that the world views the Russian role on the Ukrainian peninsula for what it is: an illegal and undemocratic occupation of a people who want rule of law and democratic freedoms.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mer 27 Avr - 7:59

Comme le Mejlis de Crimée est interdit (extrémisme), réaction:

Council Of Europe Commissioner For Human Rights Called On Russia To Lift Ban Of Mejlis

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Niels Muiznieks is concerned about today’s court decision in Crimea to ban the Mejlis by declaring it to be an extremist organisation. 
This is stated in the statement of Commissioner on Facebook.

“I am very concerned about today’s court decision in Crimea to ban the Mejlis by declaring it to be an extremist organisation. As the highest representative body of the Crimean Tatars, the Mejlis is indissociable from their aspirations to reestablish themselves in the peninsula after decades of exile during the Soviet era“, – he said.

“Concerns have also been expressed that a very wide range of persons associated with mejlis structures at the local level could be exposed to possible criminal prosecution, as the local mejlis bodies would themselves fall within the ambit of the ban“, – Niels Muiznieks added.

According to him, equating Mejlis with extremism paves the way for stigmatisation and discrimination of a significant part of the Crimean Tatar community and sends a negative message to that community as a whole.

“I strongly urge a reversal of this ban in the interests of human rights protection and social cohesion on the peninsula“, – he wrote.

 It should be recalled that the 
Supreme Court of occupied Crimea upheld the claim of the so-called “Crimean Prosecutor” Natalia Poklonskaya for the ban of the Crimean Tatars’ Mejlis.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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