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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine

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Message  Александр Jeu 6 Oct - 10:51

Le rapport du jour de l'OSCE: "The SMM recorded fewer ceasefire violations in Donetsk region compared with 3 October."

Et en fait:

Russian-backed militants launch 40 attacks on ATO troops in Donbas (par rapport aux 32 de la veille)

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Russian-backed militants launched 40 attacks on Ukrainian positions in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in eastern Ukraine over the past day, the press center of the ATO headquarters reports.

In Luhansk direction, 12 ceasefire violations were recorded. Terrorists shelled Novooleksandrivka, Novozvanivka, Trokhizbenka, Stanitsa Luhanska, and Popasna using small arms, grenade launchers and machine guns.

In Donetsk direction, 8 ceasefire violations were recorded. Militants used small arms, grenade launchers, machine guns to shell Ukrainian troops near Avdiivka, Zaitseve, Novhoroske and Kamianka.

In Mariupol direction, terrorists launched 20 attacks on Ukrainian positions. The enemy used small arms, machine guns, grenade launchers to shell Marinka, Shyrokyno, Starohnativka, and Hnutove.

OSCE to visit captive teenagers accused of subversive activity in occupied Donbas - Kyiv Post

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An armed pro-Russian separatist walks on a street in the Zaytseve village of Donetsk area, Ukraine, on March 14, 2016 (Getty Images photo)

Russian media reported on September 12, 2016 that seven teenagers had been detained in Donetsk region on suspicion of cooperating with Ukrainian special services and carrying out subversive activity

OSCE Coordinator of the Working Group on Humanitarian Issues at the Trilateral Contact Group, Ambassador Toni Frisch will soon visit the teenagers accused of subversive activity in occupied Donbas and attend Ukrainian hostages kept in separate districts in the self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine.

"Ukrainians held hostage in the separate districts will be soon visited by the OSCE coordinator from the humanitarian group Mr. Frisch. He will bring them letters and parcels from the relatives – we've agreed on this," Ukrainian parliament's first deputy speaker Iryna Gerashchenko, who represents Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup, wrote on her Facebook page after a group meeting in Minsk on Wednesday.

Further, she said the agreement had been reached that Frisch would also visit the boys held in a pre-trial detention center in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic ("DPR").

"The second key subject of the meeting was inadmissibility to involve children in the conflict. The Ukrainian side has sharply raised the question about the future of the minors against whom the self-proclaimed republic has brought a criminal case, accusing of sabotage. We regard this as an act of provocation against minors, the violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the principle of non-involvement of children in conflicts," she wrote.

Full story

Kerry Confers With Lavrov About Syria, Ukraine, North Korea (Il y a du boulot)

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (left) conferred with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Syria, Ukraine, and North Korea. (combo photo)

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart resumed discussions on Syria on October 5, despite a U.S. decision earlier this week to suspend direct talks with Moscow on trying to end the conflict.

Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke by phone about Syria, Ukraine, and North Korea. The State Department said the chat was outside the engagement that Washington put on hold just 48 hours earlier due to continued Russian bombardment of the besieged city of Aleppo.

"It would be irresponsible for us, given what's happening in Aleppo, not to touch base with Foreign Minister Lavrov periodically," spokesman Mark Toner said.

Toner said Kerry had also spoken about Syria with the top diplomats from Britain, the European Union, France, Germany, Turkey, and Qatar.

The call with Lavrov "was part of those multilateral efforts now that are going to continue because we recognize they've got to be part of the conversation," Toner said.

He said the suspension of contacts with Russia had to do only with implementing a cease-fire that Kerry and Lavrov had agreed to on September 9 but that quickly broke down.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters

Contact Group sets new dates for withdrawal of troops

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Ukrainian tanks move near Mariupol, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015. (AP Photo)

Ukraine earlier accused Russian-backed militants of thwarting the pullback at Petrovske area

The implementation of the Framework Decision on the withdrawal of troops in Donbas will be continued on October 7 and October 9 in the areas of Petrivske and Stanytsia Luhanska respectively, according to Darka Olifer, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian representative to the contact group Leonid Kuchma.

Read also: Withdrawal of troops thwarted by militants - Ukraine

'The key issue on today's agenda of the Trilateral contact group is ceasefire violations. Representatives of the certain (militant-held - UT) areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions continue shellings, including the areas where the disengagement of forces and hardware has to start - Stanytsia Luhanska and Petrivske. In particular, on September 30 and October 3 2016, Petrivske came under fire from rocket-propelled grenades; in the period from September 22 to October 4 2016, Stanytsia Luhanska was fired on 18 times. It should be noted that attacks are carried out at night, when the situation is not controlled by the OSCE SMM,' said Olifer.

'That is why the implementation of the framework decision will continue: on October 7, the withdrawal will take place in Petrivske and on October 9 - in Stanytsia Luhanska. I emphasize: the withdrawal will take place only in the absence of attacks, given the simultaneous pullback by the other side, and under the supervision of the OSCE SMM,' the spokesperson said.

Read also: Donbas militants refuse to pull back their troops from the contact line

In turn, Viktoria Talakina, press secretary of a militants' representative to the contact group Denis Pushilin confirmed that the Russian-backed separatist forces were ready for a second attempt to implement the withdrawal: 'As a result of a lengthy and heated discussion, the parties came to an understanding on disengagement of forces and hardware in the settlement of Petrovske on Friday at 11:00 on Friday, October 7, given the absence of violations."

The Tripartite Contact Group on September 21 has signed the Framework Decision on disengagement of forces and hardware along the contact line.

Reporting by UNIAN

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Jeu 6 Oct - 14:05

Editorial. N'abandonnons pas l'Ukraine

Et si la paix de l'Europe se jouait en Ukraine ? À la charnière de l'Europe et de l'Eurasie, cette terre, que les empires n'ont cessé de convoiter au cours des siècles, est plongée dans la tourmente.

L'Ukraine résiste au démantèlement de son territoire. Mais la pression militaire de la Russie ne cesse de croître depuis l'annexion de la Crimée et malgré les accords de Minsk. Elle continue d'armer les mouvements séparatistes à l'est de l'Ukraine, qui gagnent de nouvelles villes. La Crimée devient « une gigantesque base militaire » russe, disent des observateurs, constatant que les anciens sites nucléaires reprennent du service.
Depuis le début de la guerre, en 2014, plus de dix mille soldats ukrainiens sont morts, laissant derrière eux nombre d'orphelins. Les blessés sont très nombreux. Et plus d'un million et demi d'Ukrainiens se sont réfugiés, principalement en Ukraine. Ils ont fui la guerre à l'Est et les persécutions en Crimée, visant les opposants politiques, les Grecs catholiques, les Tatars…

L'arrivée des déplacés, qu'il faut loger et qui cherchent du travail, déstabilise des équilibres fragiles dans une société appauvrie par la guerre. Des pans entiers de l'activité économique sont désorganisés. Les dépenses militaires ont conduit à réduire des dépenses sociales.

Malgré cela, les Ukrainiens relèvent la tête. Une nouvelle conscience émerge, dépassant les divisions de ce pays, mosaïque de cultures, de langues, de religions.

Une nouvelle conscience civique

Les Ukrainiens se mobilisent. L'agression russe dont ils souffrent leur montre qu'ils partagent un destin commun. Et, après l'espoir déçu de Maïdan, ils ne comptent plus sur l'État pour changer les choses, mais sur eux-mêmes. Ils disent : « C'est à nous de changer la société et de créer notre réalité… Soyons le changement que nous voulons voir chez les autres. »

Cette prise de conscience s'est manifestée aux Semaines Sociales Œcuméniques de Lviv, organisée par l'Université catholique. Elle touche des gens que tout pourrait opposer, pro-russes et pro-européens, chrétiens et musulmans, jeunes et anciens… Ils se retrouvent unis dans la lutte contre la corruption, la résistance à la propagande, l'action sociale, le développement économique, la réconciliation. Et ce mouvement va grandissant.

Des volontaires se lèvent « partout dans le pays. Ces organisations font face aux problèmes des déplacés. Elles apportent des vêtements, de la nourriture, procurent des logements. On assiste à la naissance d'un nouveau groupe social. Dans ce sang et cette peine, les gens accordent de la valeur à la citoyenneté », expliquait la sociologue Oksana Mikheieva.

Ne laissons pas les Ukrainiens seuls. Contrôlons l'aide donnée pour qu'elle arrive à bon port. Favorisons le développement économique par des investissements. Partageons le trésor de notre culture démocratique pour aider la naissance d'une nouvelle classe politique qui tourne le dos à la corruption. Soyons fermes vis-à-vis de la Russie et soutenons la marche du peuple ukrainien vers la liberté, la démocratie et la paix.

L'Ukraine ne peut être une monnaie d'échange pour régler le problème russe. Fermer les yeux sur l'annexion de la Crimée reviendrait à accepter, de facto, la violation du droit international. Funeste erreur qui, loin d'apporter la paix, encouragerait d'autres menaces, d'autres violations, d'autres agressions.

Il est temps de s'en rendre compte . . . Twisted Evil

Ces observateurs suisses qui veillent sur la paix dans l'est de l'Ukraine

Bien grand mot . . .

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Ukraine: malgré des accords, la guerre continue

Après deux ans et demi de conflit et deux accords de paix, la situation militaire dans l'est de l'Ukraine reste très tendue. La RTS a pu suivre des observateurs suisses de l'OSCE, qui surveillent l'application du cessez-le-feu.

Malgré les protocoles de Minsk I et II, censés mettre fin aux combats entre troupes loyales au gouvernement de Kiev et rebelles prorusses, les échanges de tirs restent quotidiens dans l'est de l'Ukraine. Signés les 5 septembre 2014 et 12 février 2015, ces accords prévoyaient un cessez-le-feu et le retrait des armes lourdes du front.
Chaque camp se rejette la responsabilité de la poursuite des hostilités dans le Donbass, qui durent depuis début 2014. La situation sur la ligne de front est toutefois plus ou moins stable et aucune offensive d’envergure n’a été signalée depuis plusieurs mois. Mais la situation reste très tendue et le manque de confiance entre les différentes parties est criant.
Mission importante pour la Suisse
Les conséquences sur les populations civiles du conflit sont très importantes. Près de 1,5 million de civils sont considérés comme déplacés et vivent dans des situations précaires. Le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l'ONU (OCHA) estime à 3,1 millions le nombre de personnes ayant besoin d’une assistance.
C'est dans ce contexte tendu que travaille la Mission spéciale d'observation (SMM) en Ukraine de l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE). Mise en place le 21 mars 2014 alors que Didier Burkhalter assurait la présidence de l'OSCE, cette mission est composée de 1120 observateurs issus de 45 des 57 pays membres de l'organisation.
Parmi ceux-ci figurent actuellement entre 14 et 16 représentants suisses déployés sur le terrain, principalement dans l'est de l'Ukraine. Il s'agit du plus gros déploiement d'observateurs suisses à l'étranger, signe que l'Ukraine fait partie des pays prioritaires pour la Confédération en matière de promotion de la paix.

>> Ecoutez Daniel Fasnacht, responsable du pool d'experts - promotion civile de la paix (DFAE), sur la présence suisse dans l'OSCE:

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L'actu en vidéo - Publié hier à 20:51  
Un rôle préventif et humanitaire
La SMM, démunie de tout pouvoir de coercition, a pour mandat principal de recueillir et documenter les violations du cessez-le-feu entre le gouvernement ukrainien et les deux républiques autoproclamées prorusses de Donetsk et de Louhansk. Elle vise aussi à prévenir les escalades et à éviter que des affrontements majeurs n'éclatent entre les parties.

Les observateurs doivent également analyser la situation humanitaire et transmettre les besoins aux organisations d'aide. Enfin, ils ont pour tâche d'établir et de faciliter le dialogue entre les populations vivant des deux côtés de la ligne de cessez-le-feu, qui ne disposent que de quelques points de passage pour passer d'une zone à l'autre.

>> Ecouter l'analyse du journaliste Antoine Silacci, de retour d'Ukraine:

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19h30 -  Publié hier à 19:30  


Antoine Silacci/dk

Publié hier à 19:00  -  Modifié hier à 22:05  

Les experts suisses pour la promotion civile de la paix

Les observateurs suisses en Ukraine sont tous issus du Pool d'experts pour la promotion civile de la paix (PEP). Cet organe, créé en 2000, forme et met à disposition gratuitement des experts civils et policiers auprès de différentes organisations internationales.

"La Suisse peut compter sur un réservoir important de personnes formées et expérimentées souvent issues de la DDC (Direction du développement et de la coopération, ndlr) ou du CICR", note Daniel Fasnacht, responsable du PEP au Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE).

Il y a en permanence une centaine d’experts suisses déployés dans le monde. Le choix de leur affectation s’appuie sur les priorités géographiques et politiques de la Confédération en matière de promotion de la paix.

Le CICR garantit l'eau potable à 600'000 personnes

Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a annoncé mercredi à Genève qu'il allait éviter les coupures d'eau pour 600'000 personnes dans l'est de l'Ukraine, des deux côtés de la ligne de contact.

Le CICR a précisé que la solution était provisoire. "Si rien n'est fait", les personnes qui vivent dans la zone affectée devront faire face aux basses températures "sans chauffage, ni eau", a dit le responsable de l'organisation humanitaire sur place. Le CICR s'est ainsi engagé à payer "exceptionnellement" les factures d'électricité.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Empty Re: L'invasion Russe en Ukraine

Message  Александр Jeu 6 Oct - 15:49

Razdolne: Tanks and Other Weapons Seen 10 km from Demarcation Line

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HUMINT  network insiders of the international intelligence community InformNapalm have reported seeing two tanks with 122 mm caliber guns and about 12 armored vehicles (MT-LB, BMP, etc.) near the village of Razdolne.  The insiders provided exact coordinates of the place where tanks of the Russian-terrorist forces were located.

The exact coordinates of the tanks are:  47.609732, 38.009942. It is about 10-12 km from the demarcation line. Having tanks in this location is a violation of the Minsk Agreements.
Earlier in October, a large concentration of tanks was recorded in aerial photographs in Donetsk, which also grossly violated the Agreements requirement for withdrawal of heavy weapons.

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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Pri

Let us remind you that a meeting of the Contact Group on settlement of the situation in Eastern Ukraine was scheduled for October 5, 2016.

The result of the last meeting on September 21 was a signing of a framework agreement on the withdrawal of military units and hardware from the demarcation line in Donbas .

.According to the signed document, security zones were supposed to be established in the towns of Zolote, Petrivske and Stanytsa Luhanska along the demarcation line during 30 days. On October 5, the Contact Group planned to discuss the next four security sections on the demarcation line.

Russian-terrorist militants continued provocative shelling of the Ukrainian forces by tanks, artillery and mortars; the ceasefire has not been maintained. As a result of shelling, Ukrainian Armed forces suffered casualties.

Just in the last 10 days, volunteers of the international intelligence community InformNapalm, conducting OSINT and HUMINT, spotted several violations of the Minsk Agreements regarding the withdrawal of heavy weapons and shelling of the Ukrainian positions by the Russian-terrorist forces. The evidence were presented in the following articles:

  • Russian Forces Mass Tanks and SPGs 15 km from the Demarcation Line (aerial photos)
  • Who Shelled Krymske: Diagonal Tactics and Location of Russian Militants
  • Eight 122 mm Howitzers Spotted in Novoazovsk: Coordinated and Aerial Photos

Translated by Svitlana Kemblowski

Red Cross is helping frontline cities and villages of Donbas

Clean water, roll mats, blankets, fire extinguishers - a short list of things the Organization brings to frontline schools  


Fire extinguishers, roll mats and flashlights - these are the presents the Red Cross bring to a school in the so-called gray zone, in Krasnogorivka. Local pupils are used to shellings, they know what it is like - to spend long hours underground instead of in a classroom. Their school is often used as a bomb shelter, so now it's in much need of some renovation before winter comes. One of the classrooms has a huge hole from an armour-piercing projectile that hit the school in June, it was by mere chance the kids were on holiday.

"Strange as it sounds, I am grateful. Nothing exploded, there wasn't any flame, just this... hole", the school principal says

After this incident all the windows were covered with protective film - it doesn't let the shrapnel scatter. The corridor windows have sandbags simply piled up against them.

Read and watch more: How many children are going to school in occupied regions of Donbas? (video)

"If they shoot, the broken glass will not fly everywhere"

"What should you do during a shelling? - Well, run to the basement, what else?"

The Red Cross brings water, roll mats, blankets along with other much-needed items - to put in the basement ready for the next winter. Instead of math tasks, these children learn drills on how to behave during a war, deliver first aid and - not to panic.

All of them have already seen blood, wounds and sometimes even death.

"Shock, panic... I remember when the shell first hit us"

"I heard this strange sound "

"I screamed because it was impossible to bear. All the windows were shattered, I crawled to the basement over glass pieces. My dad was outside and worried".

Here children are taught how to evacuate, plus what they must not touch under any circumstances.

Read also: The school on the frontline of the war in Ukraine - Al Jazeera

"A round stone"

"A teddy bear. It could have a grenade inside" 

"My friend picked up a teddy, her father grabbed it, but the bear exploded in his hands".

They know how the war sounds and how it looks like. Yet, everybody wants to remember - remember what they thought and how they played happily as a child before all this bloodshed started.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Matt Ven 7 Oct - 10:05

Life in Ukraine’s conflict zone: The anxious reality

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Buses line up to transport refugees in the Donetsk Basin, in 2015. The crisis is still ongoing.

The humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine is severe and requires an urgent solution. No drinkable water, a lack of access to coal for heating and uncertain electricity supplies are part of everyday life for Ukrainians in the conflict zone, writes Mark Demesmaeker.

Mark Demesmaeker is a Belgian MEP with the European Conservatives and Reformists group.

The ongoing threat and involvement from Russia in the Eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk are still a fact. The EU and several international organisations are aware of the deteriorating situation in the conflict zone, yet despite the intention to help, the humanitarian relief policy in Ukraine is extremely bureaucratic.

There is a need for more safe access and delivery of aid supplies in order to make the process more efficient.

The war between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatist insurgents in the Donbass region of Ukraine, which began in April 2014, has caused grave humanitarian problems.

The EU and several international organisations have taken note of the situation in the suffering conflict areas and offered their help. 

However, barriers and slow procedures prevent an efficient delivery of aid. Huge queues at border checkpoints, car inspections and attacks on humanitarian suppliers coming under fire are amongst the worst of the reports.
Safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid to the most in need are crucial and necessary to obtain successful humanitarian missions. A year ago, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said: “I instruct: Humanitarian supplies and humanitarian aid should have a green corridor. It should not be delayed and there shouldn’t be artificial barriers to delivery”.

Yet, the problem of delivering humanitarian aid still exists, and the population in Eastern Ukraine continue to suffer. Electricity, water supplies and mobile connections are very uncertain in most parts of separatist controlled areas. Many shops are closed.  Bread limited and tap water often undrinkable.

Anyone that could flee their towns and villages has done so, and only those without resources have stayed. The worst affected are those living in the sprawling rural areas outside of major cities, who often lack access to coal for heating during the bitter winter.

The situation was greatly exacerbated by the late 2014 move by the Ukrainian government to cut off all pension payments to people in the separatist-controlled areas, along with hospital, nursing home, prison, and orphanage funding.

UN reports highlight further the severe situation. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports (early 2016) that 69% of households in separatist controlled areas have difficulty accessing food markets due to rising prices and poverty.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) stated in an April 2016 report that almost 300,000 people in the combat zone suffered severely from food shortages and were in need of immediate food assistance. The report said that residents living in the separatist controlled area of Lugansk Oblast and near the conflict line were the most affected by food insecurity.

According to the WFP over half of the population, in both the government-controlled area and non-government controlled area, experienced a complete loss or a significant reduction of income.

This cannot go on. Humanitarian missions must have a green corridor. Safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid are based on an international mechanism and are the conditions of the seventh paragraph of the Minsk II Protocol signed on February 2015. These conditions should be implemented in the form of free travel without any checks.

However, back in 2014, Russia claimed to want to offer humanitarian aid to the regions in Eastern Ukraine by sending convoys across the border. These convoys were never checked properly and only a third of them were loaded. Furthermore, the nature of goods specified in note of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, seemed peculiar.

Russia claimed that Eastern Ukraine faced a “humanitarian catastrophe” and proposed a humanitarian mission to help civilians. The emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the subject of the humanitarian situation in the conflict zone at the request of Russia was held in August 2014.

Critics said Russia was cloaking its true intentions in a conflict that it helped seed and accused Russia of using civilian suffering as a pretext to intervene directly in a region where pro-Russian separatists were battling Ukrainian forces.

Britain’s UN ambassador, Mark Lyall Grant, echoed questions by the US and Rwandan ambassadors about Russia’s request for an emergency meeting on the humanitarian situation: “It is deeply ironic that Russia should call for an emergency meeting of the council to discuss a humanitarian crisis largely of its own creation.” I can only agree with this.

According to the official information of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the 49th, so-called Russian “humanitarian convoy”, transported expired canned foodstuff and books to the territory controlled by militants. A hundred and one trucks of “humanitarian convoy” entered Ukraine through Russian border crossing points “Donetsk” and “Matveev Kurgan” in two convoys.

The border crossing of the “humanitarian convoy” was executed with gross violation of international and domestic laws and agreed modalities with the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Ukrainian interdepartmental control group performed only visual observation without performing control functions.

The peculiarity of this “humanitarian convoy” was the discrepancies in the nature of the goods in the convoys. In particular, the books of unknown contents, industrial generating plants and power generators and building power tools were not mentioned in the documents. The Russian side also refused to provide information about the content of the transported books.

One more peculiarity was the fact that canned meat and fish were expired because their storage life was noted as two years, and the date of production was 2012. The boxes with tinned meat were also marked as “FRAGILE, THIS SIDE UP”.

This situation deepens the fact that a more safe and secure delivery of humanitarian aid is needed in Eastern Ukraine, but it also needs be fast and efficient.

The EU remains as committed as ever to supporting the Ukrainian people. In March 2016, the European Commission increased its humanitarian response to help people affected by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, with a new humanitarian aid package worth €20 million.

However, the major problem is to have fast and safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid in non-government-held areas. I hope the Ukrainian politicians from both sides will keep their words regarding the green corridor enabling the European Society to help the Ukrainian civilians who are still going through a rough time.

Відвідайте Україну.
"Driven to perfection" (A. Senna)
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Date d'inscription : 01/01/2010
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Message  Krispoluk Ven 7 Oct - 11:17

Bref condensé de la situation

Bien sûr, les provocations et les exactions continuent dans le Donbass mais la "grande offensive" annoncée, n'a pas eu lieu et elle n'aura plus lieu en cette saison.

C'est autant de répit de gagné pour l'Ukraine. Certes, les mauvaises tendances : corruptions et magouilles continuent d'exister mais le "réveil de la conscience nationale et populaire" qui n'est pas un vain mot et surtout la surveillance rapprochée des instances internationales : FMI, Banque Mondiale, Europe constituent autant de puissants facteurs de changement pour réduire les mauvaises pratiques anciennes et avancer dans la voie d'une véritable démocratie.

Porochenko n'a pas le choix, il n'existe que 2 possibilités : ou revenir à la situation ancienne et faire allégeance à Moscou, ou avancer dans la voie des réformes imposées par les financeurs extérieurs. L'Ukraine, vu l'état de ses finances ne peut se permettre de choisir une 3e voie indépendante...

Les progrès existent : l'expression démocratique, même si il y a de temps à autres quelques accrocs mineurs. L'économie a atteint son plus bas niveau et est en train de se redresser lentement (trop?).

Faire perdre leurs mauvaises habitudes aux oligarques est sans doute la tâche la plus difficile à réaliser d'autant que le pouvoir est lui-même compromis, mais l'apparition d'hommes politiques nouveaux, tels le Premier Ministre rend l'espoir dans l'émergence d'une nouvelle classe politique moins corrompue.

Le compteur est en marche et le pari de Porochenko est de réussir à réaliser la mutation économique et sociale du pays avant les prochaines échéances électorales. S'il ne réussit pas, le pire est à redouter car le peuple ne va pas supporter indéfiniment les lourds sacrifices qui lui sont demandés avec les hausses des produits de base mais surtout celles très importantes de l'énergie, suite à "l'opération vérité" imposée par les instances internationales...

Ce qui est inquiétant, c'est d'entendre les commentaires des gens, même parfois des "bien-pensants" politiquement, dire que finalement, sous Yanoukovitch, "on vivait mieux !"

Quand on essaye d'expliquer que le prix de ce "mieux", c'était les subsides de Moscou, pour prix d'allégeance à la ligne politique du Kremlin, ils s'en foutent en répondant : "moi, ma seule préoccupation c'est de savoir ce que j'ai dans mon cabas pour la journée et ce qu'il me reste dans le porte-monnaie le soir..." Difficile d'argumenter face à des considérations aussi basiques, mais essentielles...

La seule chance de Porochenko est donc de réussir à amener économiquement, ce petit "mieux" qui peut faire la différence au niveau des prochaines élections, mais il ne faut pas se bercer d'illusions, Poro est au plus bas dans les sondages actuellement, le parti des Régions et ses affidés est en embuscade et profitera de toute l'aide de Moscou pour tenter de renverser la situation...

Le temps est donc compté pour Porochenko et son clan.

De l'autre côté du "rideau de fer" la situation n'est pas meilleure, la Russie est de plus en plus isolée et l'affaire d'Alep n'a pas arrangé ses bidons. La guerre du Donbass coûte très cher en matériel et maintenance; je suis effaré de constater que dans le seul Donbass, soit un territoire minuscule, il y a plus de chars massés que dans toute l'armée Française... Pour faire quoi ???
Poutine a raté la plupart de ses "coups" sauf la Crimée et la situation économique mais pas brillante, même s'ils peuvent tenir encore pas mal de temps en "serrant la vis" partout mais le mécontentement monte en sourdine...

Donc, la seule chance de Porochenko est de poursuivre le redressement économique et de se "forcer violemment la main" à lui et à son clan sur les réformes anti-corruption, ce qui sera sans nul doute la partie la plus difficile du boulot !!!

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Date d'inscription : 03/06/2014
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Message  Krispoluk Ven 7 Oct - 13:22

Bon, j'ai "pondu" l'article précédent, alors qu'un article d'UCMC paru aujourd'hui, reprend quasiment mes observations...

On remarquera que Leszek Balcerowicz, le "père" de la transition économique polonaise a formidablement réussi son pari. Sous sa férule, la Pologne s'est administrée un "remède de cheval" très dur entre 1989 et 1994, puis, la situation s'est rapidement stabilisée puis améliorée.

L'avantage, c'est que les quelques "oligarques polonais" ont pu être rapidement remis au pas par une génération de politiciens polonais intègres issus de Solidarnoscz... Pas sûr que la même situation prévale en Ukraine !  Wink

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Les technocrates européens évaluent les réformes en Ukraine

L’absence de réformes valables depuis plus de 2 ans ne peut qu’alarmer le peuple ukrainien. Car les Ukrainiens attendaient surtout de leur gouvernement actuel des réformes efficaces. Leszek Balcerowicz, père de la «thérapie de choc» en Pologne et Ivan Mikloš, réformateur slovaque, expliquent ce qui manque aux réformes ukrainiennes et évoquent leurs perspectives.
Le changement d’approche et l’avenir des réformes
Kiev, le 6 octobre 2016 – L’Ukraine doit adopter des réformes sous forme de «paquet». Cela permettra d’assurer les interconnexions nécessaires et de gagner du temps.«Si un paquet est adopté, l’effet sera visible dans 2 ans et demi, exactement avant les élections. La croissance économique a déjà commencé cette année, mais elle est trop lente. Le succès des réformes pourrait accélérer cette croissance», a déclaré Leszek Balcerowicz, lors d’une conférence de presse à l’Ukraine Crisis Média Center. Il estime que les réformes principales en Ukraine sont la réforme de l’appareil d’Etat, des finances publiques, du système fiscal, de la privatisation transparente, de la déréglementation et démonopolisation, du secteur de l’énergie efficace, ainsi que la réforme agraire.
Ivan Mikloš, cofondateur du Groupe stratégique des conseils des réformes en Ukraine, a noté des réalisations importantes dans le domaine des finances publiques, de la stabilisation macro-financière et de la consolidation fiscale. Cependant, il a souligné que ce résultat restait très fragile. Il est très important que la consolidation budgétaire soit associée à des réformes structurelles. «Il faut absolument réaliser les réformes dans les domaines de la santé, de l’éducation et des services sociaux, sinon la stabilité macroéconomique est impossible. Et sans stabilité macroéconomique, la croissance économique et l’augmentation du niveau de vie ne pourront pas être atteintes.
Une coopération faible entre les différentes branches du pouvoir
Ivan Mikloš a aussi souligné l’importance d’améliorer l’appareil d’État. «Le problème est qu’il n’y a pas de coopération étroite entre le parlement et le gouvernement pour faire avancer les réformes. Seulement 37% des propositions du gouvernement ont été approuvées par le parlement l’année dernière». Selon l’expert slovaque, il faut aussi élaborer une nouvelle stratégie anticorruption.
Les perspectives dans les domaines des affaires et de l’énergie
Il est nécessaire également de réformer la procédure simplifiée de l’imposition, elle ne doit être valable que pour les petites entreprises.Il a également souligné la nécessité d’abolir le moratoire sur la vente des terrains. «Il s’agit de l’un des facteurs les plus décisifs pour les investissements, mais aussi pour le développement, la croissance économique et le développement rural. Si le processus de privatisation est ouvert, c’est la société ukrainienne qui en tirera les bénéfices et non les oligarques», a expliqué Ivan Mikloš.
Le gouvernement ukrainien a aussi fait beaucoup dans le secteur de l’énergie, mais il faut continuer. «Le marché est monopolisé et il n’est pas transparent, il faut adopter le troisième paquet européen, quant à la réforme médicale, le principal est d’introduire le principe suivant: «l’argent suit le patient».

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Message  Matt Ven 7 Oct - 13:44

Figure-toi que je me suis demandé si tu étais éditorialiste au Kyiv Post:

Art of deception

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The Kyiv Post’s eight-part Oligarch Watch series kicks off in today’s edition on page 1 with a look at the nation’s most powerful member of this elite club: President Petro Poroshenko.

Poroshenko is obviously more subtle, more flexible and more intelligent than Viktor Yanukovych, his artless, rigid and crassly corrupt predecessor.

And unlike Yanukovych, he is more susceptible to pressure from the West and civil society and has not yet succeeded in building an authoritarian regime.

But yet at the same time, he is actually more dangerous than Yanukovych.

Society saw Yanukovych for what he really was: an uncouth kleptocrat with dictatorial tendencies – a petty thief who stole control of Europe’s biggest country, just to rip it off and bleed it dry.

Poroshenko is different. He is much better at public relations and at pretending to be someone he is not.

By engaging in Western-style, reformist rhetoric and appointing some reformers to state jobs, Poroshenko has created a smokescreen that obscures his actual intentions.

He has managed to fool the West into giving him financial aid and promising to cancel visas with the European Union. At the same time, his cronies are destroying the very reforms that he is boasting about to the West, as he himself monopolizes power.

And at least Yanukovych never had the gall to cast himself as a patriot.

Poroshenko is using pseudo-patriotic rhetoric to attack his opponents and entrench his power, spreading the false idea that whoever criticizes a wartime president is working for Ukraine’s enemy, Russia.

Meanwhile, Poroshenko’s allies have been discrediting his critics by launching well-orchestrated smear campaigns, casting them as unpatriotic or corrupt.

Poroshenko himself has fended off a scandal over his British Virgin Islands offshore firm by rubbishing the journalists who broke it, and he has distracted society’s attention from the alleged corruption of his allies by criticizing reform-minded politicians.

That’s why Poroshenko poses a threat: a clever enemy of reform is more dangerous than a stupid one.

The only way to fight such an enemy is to call his bluff.

That, we will do.

Відвідайте Україну.
"Driven to perfection" (A. Senna)
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Message  Krispoluk Ven 7 Oct - 15:37

Ils vont très loin dans leurs critiques mais on ne peut pas les blâmer...

La question c'est : qui pour remplacer Porochenko ??? Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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Date d'inscription : 03/06/2014
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Message  Matt Ven 7 Oct - 16:24

Voilà la bonne question Exclamation
Je crains que malgré ses défauts, pas un n'ira dans le même sens que lui . . . donc, composer et faire "avec".

Відвідайте Україну.
"Driven to perfection" (A. Senna)
L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Sign110

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Date d'inscription : 01/01/2010
Age : 63
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Message  Thuramir Sam 8 Oct - 0:16

Krispoluk a écrit:Ils vont très loin dans leurs critiques mais on ne peut pas les blâmer...

La question c'est : qui pour remplacer Porochenko ??? Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Il y a certainement plus d'un homme politique intelligent et intègre en Ukraine, mais, malheureusement, seules les fleurs qui ornent la tombe du dernier à s'être levé contre l'injustice célèbrent la mémoire de ce dernier combattant, qui a voulu effectivement s'attaquer à la corruption de tout un système mis en place depuis plus de vingt ans. Elles invitent aussi les autres prétendants à réfléchir avant de se lancer dans cette croisade... Sans les pressions occidentales, jamais rien ne se fera en Ukraine, et encore faudra-t-il voir ce que les changements exigés donneront sur le terrain. Il est très facile d'empêcher la réalisation du but recherché par des mesures en les sabotant et en les contrecarrant par le biais d'autres mesures ou par l'absence d'autres mesures. Si des juristes occidentaux exigent la mise en place de certaines mesures, des juristes ukrainiens payés par les oligarques élaborent en permanence les contre-mesures par le biais de méthodes non annoncées et non prévues par nos juristes. Faire changer un état d'esprit est certainement ce qui est le plus compliqué.

Messages : 3676
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2010
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Message  benoit77 Sam 8 Oct - 0:23

C'est connue qu'en UE , il n'y a pas de juristes aux services des crapules , des politicards, des lobbys, des multinationales qui passent leur temps à contourner et casser ce que d'autres juristes font ! Laughing

Messages : 2859
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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Message  Thuramir Sam 8 Oct - 0:28

benoit77 a écrit:C'est connue qu'en UE , il n'y a pas de juristes aux services des crapules , des politicards, des lobbys, des multinationales qui passent leur temps à contourner et casser ce que d'autres juristes font ! Laughing

Bien sûr qu'il y en a, mais le contrôle démocratique est quand même autrement plus efficace qu'en Ukraine.

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Date d'inscription : 11/07/2010
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Message  benoit77 Sam 8 Oct - 0:45

Thuramir a écrit:
benoit77 a écrit:C'est connue qu'en UE , il n'y a pas de juristes aux services des crapules , des politicards, des lobbys, des multinationales qui passent leur temps à contourner et casser ce que d'autres juristes font ! Laughing

Bien sûr qu'il y en a, mais le contrôle démocratique est quand même autrement plus efficace qu'en Ukraine.

Sur ! faut voir les casseroles de juncker barosso, et la derniere neelie kros pour se convaincre de l'efficacité du contrôle démocratique. Razz

Et encore je manque de temps pour la longue liste des saloperies en france et dans les 27 autres pays !!

Sur le fond je suis d'accord que tout devrait aller plus vite et mieux pour l'ukraine. J'aimerai aussi que ça se passe ainsi mais faut pas mettre  la charrue avant les bœufs.

En toute proportion , l’Ukraine se réforme et se démocratise plus vite en 2 ans avec la guerre que nos institutions en 20 ans sans guerre.
Le FMI le dit et certains commissaires de l'UE en charge du dossier Ukraine aussi.

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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Message  Александр Lun 10 Oct - 13:11

Thuramir a écrit:
benoit77 a écrit:C'est connue qu'en UE , il n'y a pas de juristes aux services des crapules , des politicards, des lobbys, des multinationales qui passent leur temps à contourner et casser ce que d'autres juristes font ! Laughing

Bien sûr qu'il y en a, mais le contrôle démocratique est quand même autrement plus efficace qu'en Ukraine.

Pas d'accord Exclamation

Si tu avais vu la soirée à thème de France5 hier, tu reverrais ton appréciation.
Le thème était:
"Les gangsters et la République
"La case du siècle"
L'autre version de l'histoire contemporaine

A tomber, tant les crapules sont aidées par l'Etat.

Le rapport du jour de l'OSCE: "The SMM recorded fewer ceasefire violations in Donetsk region, including 363 explosions compared with the previous reporting period (848 explosions). In Luhansk region the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations, including 29 explosions compared with nine during the previous reporting period, while 23 of the explosions were attributable to live-fire exercises outside the security zone. "

Et cette nuit:

Quieter night in Donbas: Militant attacks recorded only in Mariupol sector

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Ukrainian soldiers stand guard on their positions in eastern Ukraine (UNIAN photo)

One soldier was killed and another one wounded the day before as militant forces launched some 50 attacks

Combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 22 times in the past 24 hours, including 16 times in the Mariupol sector, two - in the Luhansk sector, and another four – in the Donetsk sector, UNIAN reports citing the press center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

In the Mariupol sector, the enemy violated the "ceasefire" near the town of Maryinka and the villages of Hranitne and Pavlopil, using grenade launchers, machine guns and small arms. In addition, the occupiers fired 82mm mortars on Maryinka, as well as 122mm cannon artillery systems on the village of Shyrokyne.

In the Donetsk sector, the militants fired from an infantry fighting vehicle, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms on the Ukrainian defenders of the village of Novhorodske, as well as 82mm mortars on the Ukrainian fortified positions in the town of Avdiyivka.

Read also Ukraine military postpones withdrawal from frontline town - Reuters
In the Luhansk sector, Russia's hybrid military forces opened fire from heavy machine guns and grenade launchers of various types on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Triokhizbenka. Similar weapons were used by Russian-backed troops near the village of Novo-Oleksandrivka.

The situation was more tense on Ukraine's eastern front lines over the weekend. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another one wounded in Donbas on Sunday, when Ukrainian army positions came under 48 militants attacks.

Read more Mariupol direction experienced the most intense fire comparable to August

Volunteer recon discover Russian armour in ‘demilitarised' area (photos)

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Aerial photo of Russian armour and military trucks hidden in 'demilitarised area' in Donbas (by SevBat / Facebook)

Intel claims Russian armour hidden in the vicinity of Ukrainian settlements

Ukrainian volunteer aerial reconnaissance unit, known as Special Service Battalion ‘Sever' (‘North' in Russian) published the photos of Russian armour, hidden in some industrial area. Volunteers claim, that pictures were taken in one of the zones of current disengagement of forces. It means they are talking about the areas of village Zolote or Petrivske, because scheduled for yesterday withdrawal of forces from the Stanytsia Luhanska have failed.

Commenting the pictures, which they called ‘a motivator for the upcoming working week for all who believe in demilitarization', they wrote: "Why do we need demilitarization on the territories in the zone of combat activity? So that terrorists could freely expand their bases of supply and equipment maintenance in the immediate vicinity of peaceful Ukrainian settlements."

Read more: Pullback of forces in Donbas: Pains, gains and new threats 

Volunteers addressed OCSE monitors: "People are waiting for answers from you on two questions: "What the f... are they doing there?" and "Whether or not you can be the guarantor of the agreement implementation?" We have a lot of similar material. Quite a lot to draw up conclusions. You – OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine – we believe also have no illusions about the quality of implementation of the so-called arrangements by "gentlemen" from beyond the "porebrik" (Russians – UT)."

The photos show some infantry fighting vehicles (BMPs), armored personnel carriers (BTRs) and military trucks in some industrial area, hidden behind the fences. Some of the vehicles are disassembled, but most of them seem battle ready, and one even staying in fortified position. 

As we reported, earlier volunteers reported about the discovery of Russian tanks hidden in Donetsk and self-propelled howitzers near the frontline in Donbas.

Russian aggression in Ukraine is to be discussed at Parliament Assembly

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Council of Europe (Source:

Autumn session of PACE starts today and will last until October 14

The autumn session of Parliamentary Assembly will last four days. The main topics for discussion are Ukraine and the war at its eastern border, the situation in Turkey, and Panama papers.

Parliamentarians will listen to President of France Francois Holland, Germany Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Turkey Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and Estonia Foreign Minister Jürgen Ligi.

Read more PACE report: "War" in Ukraine, not "conflict"

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland will also address the parliamentarians.

 Ukrainian question will be discussed on Wednesday, October 12th. There will be two reports: on political consequences of conflict in Ukraine and on ways of legal protection of human rights on occupied territories. Moreover, the debates on sanctions against Russia and its delegation are expected.

Read more Ukraine shows PACE how Russian propagandist torments maimed hostage

Et pour terminer:

Klimkin says other scenarios exist if Minsk implementation fails

Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin says that there are other scenarios to settle the situation in Donbas if the implementation of the Minsk peace agreements fails.

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"I've got ideas and scenarios of how to move further but I'm sure we're on the right track," he told TV Channel 112 Ukraine when answering a question if there is a "plan B" if the Minsk implementation ends in deadlock.

"We need to make Russia implement the Minsk [agreements]. Russia will anyway try to destabilize Ukraine. To achieve this, it will try to fragment it, creating political movements, parties here that will make us split," he said.

Answering a question how the Ukrainian authorities could prevent Russia's attempts to destabilize Ukraine, he said: "There are two major directions: one is solidarity of our friends and partners,  and the other is the strengthening of our democracy, as the weak don't get help."


Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
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Message  Александр Mar 11 Oct - 10:13

Le rapport du jour de l'OSCE: "The SMM recorded fewer ceasefire violations in Donetsk region, including 150 and 127 explosions on 8 and 9 October, respectively, compared with 363 explosions recorded on 7 October. In Luhansk region the SMM recorded no ceasefire violations on 8 October and 47 explosions on 9 October, compared with 29 explosions on 7 October."

Russian proxies attack Ukraine 47 times in last day, mostly in Mariupol sector

Combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 47 times in the past 24 hours, including 27 in the Mariupol sector, 17 barrages in the Luhansk sector, and three in the Donetsk sector, according to the press center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

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In the Mariupol sector, the enemy resorted to armed provocations with the use of 152mm cannon artillery systems against the Ukrainian defenders of the villages of Talakivka and Berdianske, and 122mm artillery systems on the village of Shyrokyne.

The occupiers also actively used 82mm and 120mm mortars on the Ukrainian positions near the town of Maryinka, and the villages of Vodiane, Shyrokyne and Talakivka. Additionally, they fired from infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers, machine guns, and small arms toward the villages of Pavlopil and Hnutove.

In the Luhansk sector, the militants fired weapons of different caliber, as well as 82mm and 120mm mortars on the town of Popasna and the villages of Novozvanivka and Novo-Oleksandrivka.

In the Donetsk sector, Russia's hybrid military force used 82mm mortars in the town of Avdiyivka, as well as 120mm mortars in the village of Zaitseve.

Ballad of Infantry: Watch viral video dedicated to Ukrainian soldiers

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Printscreen from video

The video clip is presented before the Day of Defender of Ukraine. It is dedicated to Ukrainian Ground Forces 

Consulting company K&K Group and TABASCO advertising agency are behind the idea of the project. The video was shot by LimeLite Studio on a training ground with the support of Ukraine's Ground Forces, while well-known Israeli filmmaker Eli Sverdlov comes as director, reports

"The video shows real people: soldiers and officers of Ukraine's Ground Forces. They are not blockbuster superheroes. When you speak with them, you see ordinary guys. But there are things that set them apart from others - genuine will and spirit. This is the power of our army. I would also like to note the enormous enthusiasm and solidarity of all the participants in the project, who are people from different areas of life. This unity once again proves that we are changing, the country is changing," says  Ihnat Korobko, the project's author. 

According to the script writer Oleksandr Smirnov, this was one of the most complex screenplays ever. "We had to find a symbol for ground forces that is simple, humane, devoid of imaginary heroism and vulgarity. This symbol is the soldier shovel," Smirnov explained.

"Land troops are Ukraine's most numerous military formation, and there are many reasons to be proud of them. We believe that it would be fair if the Ukrainians were more aware of their defenders, trusted them and took pride in them," Oleksandr Kopyl, the project's another author, concluded.

UNIAN: Disengagement in Donbas doesn’t mean armistice, says Ukraine’s envoy

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        A view from a classroom in a shelled school in Shyrokyne, near Mariupol on Sept. 8, 2016. (Anastasia Vlasova)

Ukraine’s envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group Yevhen Marchuk says that disengagement of troops and weapons in three pilot areas in Donbas doesn’t mean armistice, according to

“Simultaneous disengagement doesn’t mean that the process is over – it’s just the beginning of the [peace] settlement. As roads need to be cleared of landmines so that OSCE patrols can drive. The OSCE mission’s mandate says that personnel security is a number one priority. If there are no guarantees that a road is clear, it is considered to be inadmissible,” Marchuk said, reported.

Фотогалерея: Як на Луганщині відводили війська. Та не відвели

Galerie: Comment Luhansk détourné les troupes. Et pas pris

Міністерство оборони України повідомило, що відведення сил та засобів у Станиці Луганській переноситься на невизначений термін.

Наразі розведення сил відбулося на двох ділянках лінії розмежування: спочатку в напрямку Золотого, що на Луганщині. Пізніше – поблизу селища Петрівського на Донеччині. Останнім кроком у виконанні Рамкового рішення Тристоронньої контактної групи має стати відведення сил у Станиці Луганській.

Ukraine Ministère de la Défense a indiqué que le retrait des forces et des installations dans le village Lugansk reportée sine die.

Actuellement les forces de dilution ont eu lieu sur deux sites en ligne de démarcation d'abord dans le sens de l'or, qui, dans la région de Luhansk. Plus tard - près du village de Petrovsky dans la région de Donetsk. La dernière étape dans la mise en œuvre du groupe de contact trilatéral de décision-cadre devrait être le retrait des forces dans le village de Lugansk.


Фотогалерея: Як на Луганщині відводили війська. Та не відвели

10 жовтня 2016, 23:20

  • Мар'ян Кушнір

Міністерство оборони України повідомило, що відведення сил та засобів у Станиці Луганській переноситься на невизначений термін.

Наразі розведення сил відбулося на двох ділянках лінії розмежування: спочатку в напрямку Золотого, що на Луганщині. Пізніше – поблизу селища Петрівського на Донеччині. Останнім кроком у виконанні Рамкового рішення Тристоронньої контактної групи має стати відведення сил у Станиці Луганській.

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Військовослужбовець ЗСУ в Станиці Луганській під час запланованого відведення сил та засобів, яке не відбулося
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У режимі очікування. Жінка старшого віку присіла перепочити на переході між контрольними пунктами бойовиків та українських військових
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Крайня точка, підконтрольна українській стороні у Станиці Луганській. Люди перетинають кордон
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Попри те, що в Станиці Луганській заплановано відведення сил та засобів, згідно з домовленостями Тристоронньої групи, обидві сторони залишаюся на попередніх позиціях
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Позиції російсько-сепаратистських сил через об’єктив
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Військові охороняють журналістів, яких запросили оглянути місця відведення сторін
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У «ЛНР» стався переворот? (відео)

Le coup d'Etat "LNR"? (Vidéo)

Чутки про змову проти правлячої верхівки просочилися з окупованої території. Повідомляють, про нібито путч і навіть можливу війну між угрупованнями «ЛНР» і «ДНР». Так хто проти кого тепер? У цьому розбиралися кореспонденти «Донбас.Реалії».

Les rumeurs d'un complot contre l'élite dirigeante ont fui du territoire occupé. Il est rapporté le coup d'Etat présumé et même une guerre possible entre factions "FSC" et "NPT". Alors, qui à qui maintenant? Ce correspondant versé "Donbas.Realiyi."

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mar 11 Oct - 13:16

Nearly 1.7 million IDPs registered in Ukraine

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As of early October, 1 million 696 thousand Ukrainian citizens, who had been forced to move from Crimea and the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, were registered.

This was reported by the press service of the Social Policy Ministry of Ukraine.

"As of October 10, 2016, 1.696,326 internally displaced persons or 1.374,632 families from Donbas and Crimea were registered by the social protection departments of regional and Kyiv city state administrations," the press service informed.

As reported, slightly over 1 million families applied for financial assistance, and 930,975 of them were assigned such benefits.

Pro-Russia Separatists Protest OSCE In Eastern Ukraine

Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have protested against the possibility of an international, armed monitoring mission in the area. Several thousand people in the separatist-controlled city of Luhansk gathered on October 10 to denounce the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. (RFE/RL's Current Time TV)

La vidéo ici

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Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
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Message  benoit77 Mar 11 Oct - 13:35

En gros, la continuité des promotions des faiseurs de guerre du donbass et de crimée confirme que Poutine ne changera pas de comportement.

Messages : 2859
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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Message  benoit77 Mar 11 Oct - 13:38

Pro-Russia Separatists Protest OSCE In Eastern Ukraine

Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have protested against the possibility of an international, armed monitoring mission in the area. Several thousand people in the separatist-controlled city of Luhansk gathered on October 10 to denounce the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. (RFE/RL's Current Time TV)
Les mêmes qui disent être victime du pouvoir "nazi" de kiev refusent un arbitrage et contrôle extérieur !! nous prendrait-il pour des cons ??

Messages : 2859
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Empty Re: L'invasion Russe en Ukraine

Message  Александр Mar 11 Oct - 14:27

benoit77 a écrit:

Les mêmes qui disent être victime du pouvoir "nazi" de kiev refusent un arbitrage et contrôle extérieur !! nous prendrait-il pour des cons ??
A ton avis? Laughing

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mer 12 Oct - 10:57

Le rapport du jour de l'OSCE: "The SMM recorded a higher number of ceasefire violations in Donetsk region compared with the previous day, whereas in Luhansk region the SMM recorded fewer ceasefire violations compared with the previous day."

Et en vrai:

Situation Update, east of Ukraine as of October 12, 2016

 Wednesday, October 12. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the enemy has violated the ceasefire for 44 times over the past 24 hours.

The enemy used 122 mm artillery, 120 mm mortars against Shyrokyne and Vodyane. Militants shelled the Ukrainian positions near Taramchuk, Marinka, Talakivka and Lebedynske with 82 and 120 mm mortars.

The enemy fired grenade launchers, machineguns, anti-tank missile systems, small arms, and mortars on Novooleksandrivka and Novozvanivka.

An enemy’s sniper targeted the Ukrainian positions near Novhorodske. Occupants also attacked the Ukrainian positions with grenade launchers, machineguns, and small arms in this region. In Avdiivka militants used 122 mm artillery.

The Ukrainian army was forced to open return fire using machineguns, grenade launchers, and small arms.

SBU detains militant, ‘highly decorated for killing Ukrainians'

L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 385814394
Detained militant (by SBU)

Militant fought against Ukraine since 2014 and was captured trying to recon Ukrainian positions near Mariupol

Militant of the so-called "Donetsk Peoples Republic" forces (declared by Ukrainian Prosecutor's General office to be terrorist organization) with call sign "Phil" was captured by Ukrainian fighters near Mariupol. He was on reconnaissance duty trying to reveal the positions of Ukrainian army units on that direction, Security Service of Ukraine informs.

35-year-old resident of the town of Avdiivka (Donetsk region, Ukraine) took part in the war against Ukrainian government forces since 2014 on the side of Kremlin-backed militants. He fought near Sloviansk, Shyrokyne, Sahanka, Savur-Mohyla (almost all main battles of Donbas war on the territory of Donetsk region).

"For his crimes terrorist leaders repeatedly have noted him with ‘rewards'," SBU report states.

Read also Russian soldier surrenders to Ukrainian Army in Donbas – Intel

Press-service of the SBU also published a few pages from the militant's service book plus a video of his interrogation. Now he is taken into custody, he is suspected in ‘creating, leading or membership in the terrorist organization.'

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Source: Detained militant's service book (by SBU)

Journalists from German Bild share footage of demolished Shyrokyne in Donbas

Journalists from Germany`s Bild have posted footage from the Ukrainian village of Shyrokyne, which has suffered most during the war in Donbas.

The 360-degree video from the demolished village located at the Sea of Azov is available on Bild`s official YouTube channel.

The journalists describe the village as one of the most ruined populated localities in eastern Ukraine.

Shyrokyne is located about 24 km from the Ukrainian-controlled strategic port city of Mariupol.


Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Empty Re: L'invasion Russe en Ukraine

Message  Александр Mer 12 Oct - 15:48

A new weapon in Russia's arsenal - New York Times

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Russian Special Forces in unmarked uniform block bases in Crimea (Getty Images)

Russia is updating its military's set of lethal tricks known as maskirovka, or masking 

As Russia under President Vladimir Putin has muscled its way back onto the geopolitical stage, the Kremlin has employed a range of stealthy tactics: silencing critics abroad, hitching the Orthodox Church to its conservative counterrevolution, spreading false information to audiences in Europe and even, according to the Obama administration, meddling in American presidential politics by hacking the Democratic Party's computers.

One of the newer entries to that list is an updating of the Russian military's set of lethal tricks known as maskirovka, or masking.

Russia's most recent military deployments began with operations involving this doctrine: with literally masked and mystery soldiers in Crimea in 2014, soldiers said to be "vacationing" or "volunteering" in eastern Ukraine and a "humanitarian airlift" to Syria in 2015.

As the Russian incursion in Ukraine unfolded, Moscow sent a "humanitarian" convoy of whitewashed military vehicles to the rebellious eastern provinces. The trucks were later found to be mostly empty, prompting speculation that they had been sent there to deter a Ukrainian counteroffensive against rebels.

The idea behind maskirovka is to keep the enemy guessing, never admitting your true intentions, always denying your activities and using all means, both political and military, to maintain an edge of surprise for your soldiers. The doctrine, military analysts say, is in this sense "multilevel." It draws no distinction between disguising a soldier as a bush or a tree with green and patterned clothing, a lie of a sort, and high-level political disinformation and cunning evasions.

Thus at a news conference immediately after the invasion of Crimea, Mr. Putin flatly denied that the "green men" appearing on television screens were Russians, saying anyone could buy a military uniform and put it on. It was only five weeks later, after his annexation of the peninsula, that he admitted that the troops were Russian.

And last month, the Ministry of Defense denied Washington's assertion that Russian warplanes had attacked a humanitarian convoy in Syria. It said first that the trucks could have been hit by a rebel mortar, then that an American Predator drone was responsible and finally that the cargo had simply caught fire.
Maskirovka goes well beyond the simple camouflage used by all armies and encompasses a range of ideas about m
isdirection and misinformation, as useful today as it has been for decades. 

Full story

Former Ukrainian President criticizes Normandy format for secrecy and lack of solutions

Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk believes that it is necessary to seek another format, even a ”Budapest format” due to the uncertainty of the role the Normandy format of talks on Ukraine plays.
”The Normandy format is unique with the fact that no documents are signed or adopted within its framework: no decisions, no memorandums, and no declarations – nothing. Even the minutes of meeting are not disclosed, from which one could see what had been said, what thoughts had been expressed, and what had been the decision,” Kravchuk wrote in his op-ed for the Novoe Vremya weekly.
Thus, in his opinion, it is difficult to analyze what is actually happening in the Normandy process.
”Since the decisions are not adopted and the participants of the meetings are not held responsible for the decisions signed and promulgated, it is not easy to say, what role the Normandy format can play in the Ukrainian issue,” Kravchuk said.
In particular, there are no specific signed results because the Russian side refuses to recognize itself as party to the conflict, arguing that the Ukrainians are fighting each other.
”In the meantime, under certain circumstances, the Ukrainian issue could develop into a pan-European issue, or even a wider one – it is about Russia`s violation of the international law, annexation and seizure of territories of the country, located in the center of Europe. Therefore, in my opinion, sooner or later we must move from the Normandy format at least to the Budapest format, involving more countries in the negotiation process,” Kravchuk said.
According to him, it is through the Budapest format that Ukraine will be able to raise the question of the responsibility of those countries (Russia, the UK and the U.S.), which in 1994 signed a memorandum of security assurances to Ukraine because of its accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

He added that the civilized world must take a tougher stance against Russia – ”to make an appropriate statement or warning, to give concrete assessment of what is happening – it is about the aggression, the death of thousands of people, and a huge number of refugees.”
”Perhaps, they believe that Russia will sooner or later realize its mistake and enter the framework of a civilized solution to this problem. But given the peculiarities of the Russian Federation, which has never taken into account moderate democratic statements, there has to be a tougher approach,” Kravchuk stressed.
See also: Minsk agreements – an attempt to analyze approaches and intentions of the participants of the process

Ukraine : des "contacts" mercredi et jeudi avec Poutine, Merkel et Porochenko

Pas d'autre solution

L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Ukraine-des-contacts-mercredi-et-jeudi-avec-Poutine-Merkel-et-Porochenko
Les différents chefs d'États s'étaient déjà retrouvés en 2015 pour débattre de la situation en Ukraine@ ETIENNE LAURENT / EPA / AFPLe porte-parole du gouvernement français a annoncé que des "contacts" seront pris avec l'Allemagne, la Russie et l'Ukraine pour préparer un éventuel sommet.

Des "contacts" seront pris mercredi et jeudi par les dirigeants français, allemand, russe et ukrainien "pour préparer un éventuel sommet à Berlin" sur l'Ukraine, a annoncé le porte-parole du gouvernement Stéphane Le Foll à l'issue du Conseil des ministres.

"Des contacts seront pris avec Vladimir Poutine et Angela Merkel" mercredi et jeudi avec le président ukrainien Petro Porochenko, "pour essayer d'avancer sur une solution politique et négociée" du conflit ukrainien tandis qu'un "groupe de sherpas", de conseillers, doit "préparer un éventuel sommet à Berlin", a-t-il déclaré devant la presse. Ce sommet au "format Normandie" pourrait ainsi se tenir en dépit des tensions diplomatiques entre la France et la Russie liées à leurs divergences sur la Syrie. Celles-ci ont culminé mardi avec l'annulation par Vladimir Poutine d'une visite prévue le 19 octobre à Paris.

Le président français François Hollande avait jugé mardi "les progrès trop lents" dans la résolution de la crise ukrainienne, se disant "prêt à tout moment" à l'organisation de ce sommet. L'Ukraine est en proie depuis plus de deux ans à un conflit opposant ses forces à des séparatistes prorusses soutenus militairement par la Russie, selon Kiev et les Occidentaux, ce que Moscou dément. Le conflit a fait plus de 9.600 morts depuis son déclenchement en avril 2014 et malgré l'instauration de plusieurs trêves, des affrontements meurtriers ont régulièrement lieu le long de la ligne de front.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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Message  Александр Mer 12 Oct - 17:16

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On Friday, October 14th 2016, at 18:00, protests against Putin's war in Ukraine will take place in at least 60 cities around the world.

Confirmed participants:
Switzerland – Zurich:
France – Paris:
France - Lyon:
France - Saintes:
France - Lille:
Netherlands - The Hague:
Belgium - Brussels :
Finland - Helsinki :
Germany – Munich:
Germany - Frankfurt am Main:
Germany - Berlin:
Latvia - Riga:
Czech Republic - Prague:
Portugal - Lisbon:
Portugal - Braga :
United States - Austin, TX:
United States - Los Angeles:
Hungary - Budapest:
Austria - Vienna:
Bratislava Slovakia:
Russia - Moscow:
Estonia - Tallinn:
Spain - Madrid:
Italy - Naples:
Italy - Milan 1/2:
Italy - Milan 2/2:
Italy - Rome:
Greece - Athens:
Cyprus - Limassol:
Poland - Warsaw:
China - Hong Kong:
Bulgaria - Sofia:
Australia - Sydney:
Australien - Brisbena :
Australien - Melbourne :
Australien - Perth :
Australien - Canberra :
Australien - Adelaide :
United Kingdom - London:
Ireland - Dublin :
Israel - Tel Aviv :
New Zealand - New Zealand ;
Ukraine - Kyiv ДІЯ :
Ukraine - Lviv:
Ukraine - Kyiv:
Ukraine - Chernivtsi:
Ukraine - Kharkiv :
Ukraine - Zhytomyr :
Ukraine - Ternopil :
Ukraine - Odesa :
Ukraine - Ivano-Frankivsk:
Ukraine - Sumy :
Ukraine- Rivne :
Ukraine - Chernigiv :
Ukraine - Khmelnytskyi:
Ukraine - Dnipro (1/2):
Ukraine - Dnipro (2/2):
Ukraine - Zaporizhzhia:
Ukraine - Lutsk:
Ukraine - Kropyvnytskyi
Ukraine - Sloviansk :
Ukraine - Kovel:
Ukraine - Kamianets-Podilskyi :
...and counting!

The demands:
1. To fully withdraw all Russian occupation forces from Ukraine and return all weapons and military equipment back to Russia.
2. To strengthen the OSCE observation mission and extend its work to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Also to mandate observers to monitor the areas of Ukrainian border which are temporarily not controlled by Ukraine because Russian-separatist troops respect the ceasefire only when the OSCE observers are present on the front line.
3. To release the citizens of Ukraine who are illegally held in custody - both in Russia and in Crimea – on politically motivated and trumped up charges.

More information here: Stop Putin's War In Ukraine Afficher la suite

Ukraine, OSCE agreed upon plan on control over Russian border in Donbas, Russia pushes back, -Foreign Minister Klimkin

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Ukrainian government have agreed an action plan for the observers to take the section of Ukrainian border with Russia in the Donbas under their control.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said delivering a speech at the Key Issues of the Year national expert forum, Censor.NET reports citing RBC-Ukraine.

"There is a plan agreed with the OSCE for the observers to start controlling the militants-held part of the border in the Donbas," Klimkin said.

Read more: "Russia will not stop at destabilizing us and entire region," - Ukraine's Foreign Minister Klimkin

However, Klimkin unveiled no details of the plan. The minister said that Russia was deliberately dragging out negotiations on Minsk agreements implementation. "We cannot accept a compromise on Minsk [agreements]. The Minsk agreements must be just fulfilled. In turn, Russia is trying to distort the logic of Minsk [deal]," the official explained.

Read more: "Hollande takes too much upon himself," - Avakov on French president's statement on Donbas

Klimkin also noted that the plan consisted of three items: 1. Nine OSCE bases must be deployed at the section of the border beyond control of the Ukrainian government; 2. The surveillance equipment, including infrared cameras, must be installed at the border; 3. The OSCE observers must be deployed at all border crossing points and be free to monitor.

"If we manage to do this, then we will actually have quite a reliable guarantee that the inflow of Russian regular troops and hardware, and mercenaries, and ammunition, and everything else they have there will be blocked by the OSCE," the diplomat said.

He also clarified that Russia had not yet agreed to that plan. According to Klimkin, the number of staff of a possible OSCE mission to the Donbas was not yet agreed.

Messages : 5390
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010
Localisation : Leuven, België

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L'invasion Russe en Ukraine - Page 21 Empty Re: L'invasion Russe en Ukraine

Message  benoit77 Mer 12 Oct - 18:25

C'est donc les salauds de ricains qui ont forcé Poutine à intervenir dans le donbass:

ça mériterait presque d'être dans le topic "propagande" . Le plus important est que Poutine en public fait état de l'action russe !

Vivement que la Russie s'effondre et que les russes lui règle son compte et dans la douleur

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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Message  benoit77 Mer 12 Oct - 19:20

L'APCE adopte 2 résolutions pointant la responsabilité russe dans la guerre du donbass

Le "pro-russe" Pedro Agramunt s'est éclipsé avant le vote

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2014

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Message  Matt Mer 12 Oct - 22:22

Cfr le "breaking News", comme le guébiste reconnait son "intrusion" en Ukraine et en Crimée (pour quelque motif que ce soit), il va déguster sous peu. 
Bon, ça c'est fait et la suite?

Відвідайте Україну.
"Driven to perfection" (A. Senna)
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